Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

In-combat Voice Overs

    • 223 posts
    October 16, 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    Whilst recently playing Tales of Arise and watching some New World streams, I pondered how Pantheon and the player-base feel about in-combat voice overs. Allow me to elaborate:

    In Tales of Arise, the protagonists audibly shout out their attack. For those who have played a Tales game, you'll know that this is effectively the entire combat sequence. Four+ characters announcing their attack, every single second. Here's a sample;

    There's a couple of variations for each attack, I'm assuming a design choice so to alleviate repetitiveness. But eventually, and for some like me, perhaps quite quickly, it becomes thin.

    Characters also mingle amongst each other during combat sequences. At first, it's engaging but again, they quickly become repetitive.

    I quickly found myself reducing the volume, especially during combat heavy scenes.

    Admittedly Tales is a completely different type of game to a MMO but it is lengthy (30 - 60 hours depending on completeness), and thus, I feel has some parallels to a MMO (being that it's not a game that's over in a handful of hours).


    Then to New World. I can't speak to this on any authority but I have noticed whilst watching streamers that some of the PCs announce attacks during combat. I have heard the same ones over and over.


    I wondered; how do we feel about in-combat voice overs for Pantheon? Is this something we would like VR to incorporate; does it build immersiveness or is it a low-return feature (i.e., given the number of race-class-gender combinations that would be needed for uniqueness)?

    Or do we prefer other audible approaches to this? Such as varied sounds effects for spells, the swinging of a sword and clanging of a shield?

    Do we care about hearing the voices of our own PCs? (This could be its own thread, and another for NPCs!)

    This post was edited by Lafael at October 16, 2021 10:30 PM PDT
    • 1281 posts
    October 16, 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    Lafael said:

    Whilst recently playing Tales of Arise and watching some New World streams, I pondered how Pantheon and the player-base feel about in-combat voice overs. Allow me to elaborate:

    In Tales of Arise, the protagonists audibly shout out their attack. For those who have played a Tales game, you'll know that this is effectively the entire combat sequence. Four+ characters announcing their attack, every single second. Here's a sample;

    There's a couple of variations for each attack, I'm assuming a design choice so to alleviate repetitiveness. But eventually, and for some like me, perhaps quite quickly, it becomes thin.

    Characters also mingle amongst each other during combat sequences. At first, it's engaging but again, they quickly become repetitive.

    I quickly found myself reducing the volume, especially during combat heavy scenes.

    Admittedly Tales is a completely different type of game to a MMO but it is lengthy (30 - 60 hours depending on completeness), and thus, I feel has some parallels to a MMO (being that it's not a game that's over in a handful of hours).


    Then to New World. I can't speak to this on any authority but I have noticed whilst watching streamers that some of the PCs announce attacks during combat. I have heard the same ones over and over.


    I wondered; how do we feel about in-combat voice overs for Pantheon? Is this something we would like VR to incorporate; does it build immersiveness or is it a low-return feature (i.e., given the number of race-class-gender combinations that would be needed for uniqueness)?

    Or do we prefer other audible approaches to this? Such as varied sounds effects for spells, the swinging of a sword and clanging of a shield?

    Do we care about hearing the voices of our own PCs? (This could be its own thread, and another for NPCs!)


    They have previously stated that they will likely not have voice overs due to the high cost of hiring voice actors.

    • 394 posts
    October 16, 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    I was just planning on shouting my own attack names while playing, RIP headset guildies.

    • 1289 posts
    October 16, 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    I don't think I have a super strong opinion on this, but I'd say I prefer repetetiveness over silence.  In new world it is repetetive, but we only have 3 attacks.  VR would have the option to add more than just 3, but the point is still the same, no matter the number, eventually they'd get repetetive.  

    I think for me it'll all depend on what other sounds are going on in game.  What other combat queues will we have, what sounds will mobs be making, what sounds will spells and attacks be making, etc.  

    • 1860 posts
    October 17, 2021 1:44 AM PDT

    Voice overs are cost prohibited and funds are something VR is lacking.  Voice overs won't be happening as has been discussed previously and kalok mentioned above.

    Here is a quote from Kilsin from 2016.  Nothing has changed.  There are lots of threads on this.


    Kilsin said: We have no plans for voice acting, we would rather spend time and energy on systems and mechanics, lore and graphics, animations and art etc. to immerse you in than spend it on voice acting, so unless something dramatically changes during development, it is unlikely you will see any voice acting in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. :)

    • 223 posts
    October 17, 2021 5:27 AM PDT

    In regards to the aforementioned quote from VR, was this related to VO in regard to quests etc, or all voicing? Kilsin?


    Not that I mind, in fact I prefer sounds effects to voicing.

    This post was edited by Lafael at October 17, 2021 5:37 AM PDT
    • 49 posts
    October 17, 2021 6:07 AM PDT

    Having X number of characters all speaking at once makes it either noice or something you have to really focus to tell the spoken words and characters or sentences apart.

    What I like about it though, is that it will give a sound cue to the action being performed by an NPC (and maybe PC?). But I think a much more subtle system where abilities has some sort of unique sound would be much less disturbing. If it is also combined with 3D sound, so you could hear the initiation of a healing spell behind you, or an NPC starting a mez spell cast or whatever. I have played a bit of CS:GO and sound cues plays one of the biggest roles in the game. I think it would be a great way to also declutter the UI, so not everything has to be textual identifiable, but making combat engaging for all senses.

    • 1860 posts
    October 17, 2021 6:08 AM PDT



    I appreciate the community interaction but many of your questions, in this and other threads, can be answered with a forum search.

    Voice overs are very costly.  They have talked about not doing it at all for quests or combat or otherwise.  That being said I'm sure some sounds can be generated but as far as paying someone to say lines and recording it they have always said that was a no go.

    This post was edited by philo at October 17, 2021 6:11 AM PDT
    • 274 posts
    October 17, 2021 7:22 AM PDT

    No, God no, and **** no to PC voice overs, and doubly so for the cheesy and lame attack/special ability "call outs" that are popular in various JRPGs and anime inspired games. I would feel the same way regardless if VR had the resources to pay voice actors for it.

    These games are supposed to be about immersion, and there is nothing more jarring when playing an RPG than hearing your avatar speak in a voice that isn't your own. 

    For NPCs, sure, go wild with it, but don't impose a "voice" on the PCs.


    This post was edited by eunichron at October 17, 2021 7:23 AM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    October 17, 2021 8:01 AM PDT

    I remember how much SoE promoted all the famous actors who provided voice-overs for EQ2 only to see people spam-tab to zoom past all the excessive dialog and get to what actualy was important..what the quest wanted you to do. All that time and money was basically wasted.  VR has neither the time nor the money to waste on frivolous things like this.

    • 223 posts
    October 17, 2021 8:25 AM PDT

    philo said:



    I appreciate the community interaction but many of your questions, in this and other threads, can be answered with a forum search.

    That's a fair point, but the purpose of these threads is not just to answer a question, but to also start a conversation, and perhaps one with a different angle. For this case, specific to combat voicing. If it was discussed back then a few years ago, then, apologies. 

    New people have joined recently, myself being one, and resurrecting old threads perhaps is something we don't want to do (and sometimes in itself seen in a negative light). For how long Pantheon has been a thing, I'm sure by now the barrel of new questions is running low. Alas, I'm sure there are many new discussions to be had. 

    All the same, I appreciate your feedback and willingness to engage.

    This post was edited by Lafael at October 17, 2021 8:27 AM PDT
    • 115 posts
    October 17, 2021 8:29 AM PDT

    I would like to a smiple greeting when talking to an npc it really does help make the world feel more alive. Games that lack this can feel very empty and dead. 

    • 2108 posts
    October 17, 2021 12:57 PM PDT


    1st. point: I understand that necro'ing old threads can be considered negative on some forum boards online. That is not the case here. VR's policy has been stated by Kilsin more than once over the years, though not any time recently. The policy is that they would prefer to keep all conversations about a particular subject in the same thread, to make it easy to for newer people to learn the history of Pantheon's development and to potentially find the answers to questions when a Dev had come along and given us one. So we are encouraged to search for a subject, and if we find it, add our comments to it rather than starting a new thread. That said, the search function on this forums is.... not the best. But you CAN find many things with just a bit of creative searching. Necro away!

    2nd point. What no one has mentioned yet is that there have been several discussion by Devs about sound effects and musical themes having tactically useful information in various places and situations in the Game. I don't recall specific examples being offered to us yet, but examples like: Certain mobs may have their own identifiable sound. Danger may add a small but recognizable melody line to ongoing background music. PoI's may be heard before they are seen. That sort of thing. Clues that one can easily miss if not listening for them, but potentially very useful if one does listen. Like you, I prefer this more subtle approach and was quite happy to hear this. If you aren't aware, Joppa was originally hired as the Musical Director for Pantheon. Despite taking on so much of everything else since then, Panth's music and sound effects are still a high priority for him.

    • 223 posts
    October 17, 2021 4:07 PM PDT

    Cheers Jothany. 

    • 9115 posts
    October 17, 2021 4:44 PM PDT

    Lafael said:

    In regards to the aforementioned quote from VR, was this related to VO in regard to quests etc, or all voicing? Kilsin?


    Not that I mind, in fact I prefer sounds effects to voicing.

    It covers all Voice Acting mate. We're not against voice acting, it's just very expensive and there are legalities associated with volunteer voice actors. We just don't have the cash to throw around on such luxuries, yet but maybe a possibility in the future.

    • 1281 posts
    October 17, 2021 5:08 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Lafael said:

    In regards to the aforementioned quote from VR, was this related to VO in regard to quests etc, or all voicing? Kilsin?


    Not that I mind, in fact I prefer sounds effects to voicing.

    It covers all Voice Acting mate. We're not against voice acting, it's just very expensive and there are legalities associated with volunteer voice actors. We just don't have the cash to throw around on such luxuries, yet but maybe a possibility in the future.

    I can't vouch for anyone else, but if you did want some cheap/free voice "acting", I'd be willing to sign away any legal rights to the recordings.  I know that's not all of it though.  You have voice actor guilds and what-not that you have to deal with as well.

    • 223 posts
    October 17, 2021 5:29 PM PDT

    Thanks Kilsin.

    My personal opinion is that it is something that can be omitted. Most of the time I read the text faster than the voice acting or just turn the volume down.

    So yeah, same page :)

    I feel that having no VO helps set the scene, as one can let their imagination run wild.


    Ill think of a unique thread for next time ;)

    This post was edited by Lafael at October 17, 2021 5:29 PM PDT