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Which classes have a raise or resurrection spell/line?

    • 219 posts
    August 13, 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    This isn't an "who should have it" or "how much exp should it restore" or any of that kind of thing.  This is just an "I'm wondering which classes will be able to raise at all" thing.

    Searching the forums, I couldn't find a concrete answer.  I saw a post somewhere where someone just said that Paladins are getting one (but had no reference), and general presumption that Clerics will have one, and some discussion about Druids having one due to the "raise" at the moment of death chrysalis ability...but unless it can be used out of combat on people who are dead to revive them, then that isn't necessarily a true raise.

    Look at at the class pages, Cleric has Revive, which seems to be a typical out of combat raise.  Paladin has Atone, which uses half your health to raise (if the Paladin has less than half, it makes it where the Paladin can't be healed well ["obstructs"] for a short time).  I didn't see any on the Shaman page, though I can't imagine they WOULDN'T have one.  I checked Summoner and Ranger, being the only other classes I'd think might have one (Summoner unlikely, but figured I'd check, Ranger because some D&D/EQ/etc Ranger lore grants them limited Druidic spells), but didn't see anything.

    In any case, I was just wondering.  For the purposes of this, it's less "how well will they restore exp" and more me thinking "how well can a party that narrowly defeats a boss, losing several members, recover from a near-wipe".

    • 2139 posts
    August 13, 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    It's the 3 Healers plus Paladin. I've heard nothing about any other Class getting it.

    • 150 posts
    August 13, 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    What Jothany said.

    Even though it's been said that the necromancer will be CC,, some variation of resurrection would really flesh out the class. A fallen ally who returns to life but temporarily in skeleton form, or something to that effect. Perhaps their corpse reanimates under the necromancer's control for a short duration, allowing the fallen ally to inhabit the body but with little to no control. And the reanimated corpse must assist in killing a target in order to restore the life force initially lost. If the necromancer dies before that occurs the resurrectee does not return to life, but is informed that the attempt was unsuccessful. Or throughout the duration of these "rez effects" the fallen ally is elsewhere, in ghost form, able to explore an otherwise inaccessible pugatory-like zone. That's probably a bit much, but it's fun to think about the possibilities considering what all we've seen so far from other classes.

    The paladin's version of rez is great for how limited it is, adding an element of personal risk/self-sacrifice with each use, not to mention potentially granting players some opportunities for low HP aggro tactics. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't Atone supposed to be an in-combat rez? If so, with Miraculous Shimmer, that adds a battle medic role to the class and would help in preventing a full wipe. Ex.: Main healer and bard both die, paladin rezzes healer but then dies due to the HP sacrifice, monk steps in and tanks, mob finally dies, healer has to decide who to rez first based on respawns—the paladin or the bard.

    • 219 posts
    August 13, 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    I was going to mention that myself.  Atone seems to not have an "out of combat only" thing, whle Revive specifically says out of combat only.

    "It's the 3 Healers plus Paladin."

    I guess in a way this means Paladins having to heal a party (if people can't find any Clerics, Druids, or Shaman - unlike as that will be) could potentially do the role of Healer because they have that utility of reviving people.  It also could make Paladins very desired tanks since their party can recover if the Healer(s) die while a Warrior/Dire Lord party would not be able to without another Healer.  And given how rare Paladins are in the player polls right now, this goes to that argument about them being a potential "sleeper class".

    Lots of interesting party choices and dynamics, for sure.  Love it.

    • 150 posts
    August 14, 2021 1:31 AM PDT

    Agreed, a whole lot of options come to mind. Even if paladin heals aren't as direct or thorough, having that role flexibility would make them a perfect addition to many PUGs and newcomer groups, even/especially ones that already had a healer and a tank, in the event that either or both die with mobs still running amok. And, say for instance, the paladin also died in the fray, as long as they got a rez off on the healer, the wipe would be averted in theory, since the main healer could accept that hail mary rez after the fact, with enough time having elapsed to where the mobs likely reset (fingers crossed for no pathers in aggro range).

    If paladins end up being the only class to receive in-combat rez, that would make them one of, if not, the first party member to give permission to for corpse drags. A massive train wouldn't 100% lead to a long CR, if the paladin knew of a relatively safe place to drag the main healer's corpse, reached it, and got the rez off in time before dying to that train. Also, assuming bards will be able to regen or heal in increments, both classes plus a dire lord life stealing might be able to hold their own as a trio. Again, yeah, good potential there, opportunities for unconventional groups to cut their teeth on content.

    • 888 posts
    August 16, 2021 12:45 PM PDT
    From a game design standpoint, all healing classes need a rez if we want all to be equally viable. I do hope there will be function / flavor differences. The rez abilities are probably already planned (maybe even built) , but I would like to see something like this:
    • Shamen's rez - small AOE around a totem (can be interrupted in combat and totem draws aggro from some mobs).
    • Druid's rez - single target, creates a chrysalis around the recipient, that protects from attack, but can be broken out of early at the cost of some healing & mana restoration.

    From a Quality of Life standpoint, there needs to be either a self-rez or (more preferably) a way for surviving group members to rez the healer. Without this, there is a defacto no rez punishment just for healers.
    • 627 posts
    August 19, 2021 12:47 PM PDT
    Maybe the Monk class, would be cool
    • 1479 posts
    August 19, 2021 3:03 PM PDT

    BamBam said: Maybe the Monk class, would be cool


    DPS, offtank, utility AND a rez ? That would be too much according to me.


    Leave it to another class, even if it's less thematic. Ranger maybe ?

    • 219 posts
    August 19, 2021 7:53 PM PDT

    Counterfleche - Shamen have Totems?

    Mauvais_Oeil - Monks can DPS and offtank (not at the same time, though), but what utility do they have, per se?  If Rangers are based on Druids, them having a weak/utility raise would make some sense.  Are they in Pantheon, though?

    • 627 posts
    August 19, 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    Yeah maybe, i just think it fits the class fantasy. If its an hour cooldown and is mainly used for when the healer dies due to mon resists or unlucky pop and such.