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Will there be an old school version LFG? READ BEFORE ATTACKING

    • 219 posts
    March 23, 2021 3:56 PM PDT no no, I'm not talking about Party Finder [PF] or Dungeon Finder [DF] or random que with random people.

    When I started playing WoW at the end of Vanilla/start of BC, there was an LFG system of sorts.  It was a glorified chat channel, but basically, you could go in, select what role(s) you were able to run as, the dungeon(s) you wanted to run, and then it would place you in this list on the tool (like the /who list or player/guild list) where you would be visible on the LFG tool for the role you were and the dungeons you were wanting to run.  At that point, you could go about your business or look at who else was in the list, send a /tell, and then form a party.

    Basically, it was a global version of the /LFG chat spam in the capital cities for people not wanting to sit in capital cities.  I remember leveling a Paladin and I would get random tells from people asking if I would be willing to heal for their party (I always did), or sometimes I'd pull up the LFG tool when I wanted to run a dungeon.

    As this LFG was basically a chat channel/network system, you had to /tell people, then /invite and form the party, then walk to the dungeon entrance/use the summon stone/use a Warlock to get the party together, then go into the dungeon.  It was all on the same server, so no cross-servering.  And this is actually how I met a lot of my early WoW friends and got guild invites after afternoons of running dungeons.  In fact, to this day, I'm not sure why people go on and on about having to "shout in cities for groups" since the tool was in place for all of BC and all of Wrath until the final patch or two.

    This was in BC, so before when they added the "modern" LFG tool (and removed the old one, though I THINK they added it back later, but who would even use it at this point?) where it would randomly match you to people and port you to the dungeons, which is when I started feeling the world get a lot smaller and a lot less interesting since people began to just sit in capitals in the dungeon finder until their ques popped.

    I'm curious if there are any plans for chat channels/tools to help people find other people that are wanting to run the same content.  Some people instinctively say "NO!!" to everything, hence my request you actually READ THIS before replying, since what I'm talking about is pre-dungeon finder days, back when people still had to /tell, still had to /invite, still had to walk to the dungeons, and still were dealing with people on their servers.

    Or will we only have /shout as our only tool for forming parties with other people on our servers to go run content?

    • 1860 posts
    March 23, 2021 4:04 PM PDT

    At this point I'm doubtful this is still planned but:

    Brad talked about a "Matchmaking System" that was much more than a standard LFG tool.

    He wanted to encourage people to make friends, not just groups.  He called it PHarmony...the EHarmony of Pantheon.  

    Brad said: Players are given a profile to fill in which includes not just playstyle and play time preferences but also interests, hobbies, and so forth; the idea is that the game will help introduce you to other players with similar interests and goals.

    That ^ being said, there was never a plan for "teleport to dungeon" type LFG tools.  It was only to help players communicate.

    This post was edited by philo at March 23, 2021 4:05 PM PDT
    • 219 posts
    March 23, 2021 4:12 PM PDT

    That might actually be interesting for building communities.

    Though what I'm talking about was much more game specific.  Instead of a "Yes, I want to run dungeons at all times, even once I'm max level" it was "I'm a Paladin, I can currently tank or heal, am level 43, and I would like to run the second or third Scarlet Monestary instance."

    • 1404 posts
    March 23, 2021 4:18 PM PDT

    Philo is talking about this...

    Matchmaking systems, what we're up to, and why. Part 1

    And to my knowladge nothing more has been said about it. They say "all systems in for Alpha" But I would expect something this elaborate would be for later expansions.... so at launch... I have no idea.

    I bet @Bazgrim Knows!

    • 1860 posts
    March 23, 2021 4:20 PM PDT

    Renathras said:

    That might actually be interesting for building communities.

    Though what I'm talking about was much more game specific.  Instead of a "Yes, I want to run dungeons at all times, even once I'm max level" it was "I'm a Paladin, I can currently tank or heal, am level 43, and I would like to run the second or third Scarlet Monestary instance."

    That was part of it.  It was a standard LFG tool included with all the matchmaking stuff.  We can assume that would include where you want to group, what you want to kill, lvl, class,any required gear etc.

    It was just a more advanced version of a normal LFG tool I'm sure we have all used repeatedly, with minor variations, in many games.

    This post was edited by philo at March 23, 2021 4:21 PM PDT
    • 1281 posts
    March 23, 2021 4:21 PM PDT

    Give us the ability to /who all lfg (class) (levelrange) and I'm happy.

    If you want to wrap a GUI around it, great.


    This post was edited by bigdogchris at March 23, 2021 4:21 PM PDT
    • 1860 posts
    March 23, 2021 4:25 PM PDT

    Zorkon posted one of Brads blogs about matchmaking.  Brad also mentioned it in streams and interviews as well.  We discussed it on the forums here at least a few times so i'm sure you can dig up those threads if you want to know more.

    It hasn't been talked about in a long time.  I wouldn't expect it to happen.  It's not necessary. 

    • 219 posts
    March 23, 2021 6:15 PM PDT

    I more just think some kind of chat channel/pane that allows you to form groups would be useful since the alternatives are /shout in a city (which people generally dislike), but I've no idea.  I know in WoW, the pre-LFG tool in Wrath didn't seem to damage the community since the parties still had to be formed manually, it wasn't cross-server, and it didn't take players out of the world/teleport into dungeons.

    Wondering if people would be as opposed to THAT as they are to general LFG/DF type tools (which I dislike myself because they kill the open world, server community, etc)

    • 2756 posts
    March 24, 2021 2:51 AM PDT

    I don't doubt there will be a group helper tool that is more than the /LFG flag and channel.

    It really wouldn't be difficult to code and would be excellent for the community.

    It's been discussed several times before, though, so I'm not going to go into much detail, but, yeah, I think a significant number of people would find it unnecessarily tedious to wander from popular zone to popular zone spamming "/ooc 38 WAR LFG pref dungeon", crossing thier fingers while they kill a few trash monsters, then running to another zone, doing the same and then logging off later having achieved nothing when a group started forming 30 seconds after they left the first zone they went to.

    Sure no one wants the dungeon group porter from Wrath of the Lich King, but a UI that helps put people together (assisting the social aspect, not eradicating it) is surely a no-brainer win.

    This post was edited by disposalist at March 24, 2021 2:51 AM PDT
    • 560 posts
    March 25, 2021 9:19 AM PDT

    I had to look up BC to make sure but it seems I did not play WoW long enough to see the group finder. Based on your discription it sounds simular to what EQ had for a group finder. I really hope VR adds a tool like this to Pantheon.

    I think we all agree we do not want group porter system from Wrath of the Lich King.

    • 79 posts
    March 25, 2021 9:56 AM PDT

    I remember the LFG system they had in WoW during BC.  It was a bulletin board type system that you could post yourself as available and what not.  I liked it and thought it was a good way to implement things since most of the time you would get a /tell from the group leader and chat a bit before you would get invited.  Something to that effect I think would be a good addition, no teleporting instantly, nothing automatic, just something to help communications.

    • 247 posts
    March 26, 2021 2:20 PM PDT
    Eq system from back in the day still used in p99 worms fine u who all lfg and u can search level and class to
    • 219 posts
    March 27, 2021 1:22 AM PDT

    Walpurgis said:

    I remember the LFG system they had in WoW during BC.  It was a bulletin board type system that you could post yourself as available and what not.  I liked it and thought it was a good way to implement things since most of the time you would get a /tell from the group leader and chat a bit before you would get invited.  Something to that effect I think would be a good addition, no teleporting instantly, nothing automatic, just something to help communications.

    Yeah, that's the one I remember using.  I remember using it while leveling my Horde Paladin (added with Blood Elves in Burning Crusade - before then, Paladins were exclusive to Alliance), and it's how I got in groups to do stuff and made friends and got a couple guild invites as I went.  I thought it was a nice system at the time.  Granted, this was years before the modern group finder/porter system, which I instantly didn't like, and I never understood people complaining about having to /shout in cities because the /lfg tool was there for people to use to organize parties.

    I think the bigger problem was some classes weren't desired in groups, so they just wouldn't get invites or something more like that......but then we got the party finder and the rest is MMO regressive history.  <_<

    But yeah, that's the system I'm talking about, I'm pretty sure.  Heh, trying to remember those memories from...12-14 years ago.  XD

    EDIT: I think the Party Finder (NOT the Duty Finder - that's the auto-que system) in FFXIV also works this way.  You post up your advert for your party and people can join it.  Though I think in that system anyone can join your party, which I don't like as much, and it's cross server and all that nonsense.  The BC WoW one was just your server and people would have to /tell and talk for invites, so it was a lot more community focused.  The FFXIV PF is fine for what it is, I guess, but that's not quite what I'm talking about at all.  And the DF is something I'd rather not see - every freakin' MMO seems to want a party porter system, and it's just obnoxious.  Completely destroys the feeling of being in a world when you never see the world.

    This post was edited by Renathras at March 27, 2021 1:25 AM PDT
    • 810 posts
    March 27, 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    I hope they keep things local in the world for lfg.  I am not a big fan of long distance travel for a group, especially without maps lol I think it will be so horrible (and I hope summoners get CoH)  Each area hopefully gets an lfg chat, perhaps a flag as well for ease of flagging long term.   There will of course be a global LFG chat someone makes as they wait 45 minutes for a 20 minute trip. 


    /lfg "for x, y, or z"


    /who lfg


    Peter Paladin 25 LFG "I R tank!"

    Jobeson Summoner 24 LFG "for x, y, or z"

    Elly Enchanter 23 LFG "Its hard responding to so many tells"


    • 2138 posts
    March 27, 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    The so nicknamed matchmaking system could also serve as a guide to new joiners who are seasoned MMO players in wantind to determine before character selection what classes might be needed on a given server.

    If you can put in when you will most likely be on to play, and what timezone as basics, then be able to look at class distribution on various servers in your parameters, you would then choose the best server to play your class where it is most needed. 

    Alt-oholics may like that ability in they can place their alts oin servers where they will be needed the most.

    • 2756 posts
    March 28, 2021 9:33 AM PDT

    So something related was talked about in the recent producer's letter (

    It's a feature targeted for inclusion in Alpha 1.

    "We need an LFG tool for people to find or fill groups".

    Obviously, that doesn't go as far as Brad's idea of a matchmaking system, but we might take it that VR including it as something they feel essential to even beginning Alpha is a positive attitude toward it's relative importance and it might see some expansion in the future, depending on feedback from Alpha.

    • 888 posts
    March 28, 2021 12:22 PM PDT
    Most of us seem to agree that a team finder which ports everyone directly together at the dungeon is too much. But no porting at all would mean that we would need too many different gathering points, which would probably make team finding take too long. Perhaps some middle ground where there are a few "Adventurer" hubs on each continent and each continent has one group finder. Players can port between these hubs to meet up at the hub closest to where they want start from, but since all the hubs see in cities or outposts, there will still be some travel (together as a team).

    I hope the grouping tool is active and not passive. By active, I mean that you can flag yourself as LFG and it will actively try to form a team (with at least one tank and at least one healer) and will automatically form a team if not one manually does. Sometimes no one wants to lead. A LFG tool that also populated some level-appropriate activity suggestions would be even better. There could be a way to randomly generate a bounty on a named mob and describe roughly where to find it. Mechanically, the bounty could be a modified mob (with a name chosen using the random name generator) and it could only spawn once you're fairly close and only if there isn't another group next to it.
    • 1430 posts
    March 28, 2021 12:40 PM PDT
    dps = swiping right on everything
    tank = swiping left on all dps, oh a decent healer swipe right
    healer = swiping left on all dps and tanks.. oh, a very strong tank worth my heals okay swipe right
    cc =
    • 560 posts
    March 28, 2021 5:47 PM PDT


    1. No need for gathering points the players will define them. Pantheon is based on zones and those zone line will be gathering points on their own.
    2. The porting is an issue for sure but I see the auto forming groups as maybe worse. Communication in formation of the group is key.

    In short what you are describing is not what I am looking for. In this case less is more. 

    This post was edited by Susurrus at March 28, 2021 5:48 PM PDT
    • 2756 posts
    March 29, 2021 3:35 AM PDT

    starblight said:


    1. No need for gathering points the players will define them. Pantheon is based on zones and those zone line will be gathering points on their own.
    2. The porting is an issue for sure but I see the auto forming groups as maybe worse. Communication in formation of the group is key.

    In short what you are describing is not what I am looking for. In this case less is more. 

    Yeah, i think there's definitely a limit too.

    I would want plenty of categorising, filtering and searching features, but then it should just put you in contact and leave the socialising and actual in-game task of getting together up to the players.

    Aiding people to identify a suitable group or aiding groups to identify suitable players is fine.  It should then perhaps give you an interface making it easy to click (even multi-select) for /tells or /invites (though that has potential for annoying abuse) but what you say and what you do after that is up to you.


    • 793 posts
    March 31, 2021 4:37 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    starblight said:


    1. No need for gathering points the players will define them. Pantheon is based on zones and those zone line will be gathering points on their own.
    2. The porting is an issue for sure but I see the auto forming groups as maybe worse. Communication in formation of the group is key.

    In short what you are describing is not what I am looking for. In this case less is more. 

    Yeah, i think there's definitely a limit too.

    I would want plenty of categorising, filtering and searching features, but then it should just put you in contact and leave the socialising and actual in-game task of getting together up to the players.

    Aiding people to identify a suitable group or aiding groups to identify suitable players is fine.  It should then perhaps give you an interface making it easy to click (even multi-select) for /tells or /invites (though that has potential for annoying abuse) but what you say and what you do after that is up to you.



    Agreed, one of the variables in setting groups in EQ was time it would take to get everyone together. If we had a wizard or druid in the group, we would reach out to people much farther away with the line "We'll come pick you up", it also opened up the world to where the group wanted to adventure. If there was no group porter, then we focused more on people and locations nearby.

    Never did we feel like, "Man, if the system would just teleport us all together, this would save time", I logged into EQ just to pre-move my character to the planned hunting spot for later that evening, as I did to actually play. :) As well as banking, organizing, shopping for supplies, etc. :) It wasn't always about adventuring and questing, but it was just part of the game, and made you that much more invested in things.