Forums » Pantheon Races

new pledge race, future races

    • 133 posts
    August 22, 2022 8:22 AM PDT

    I would love to see a quadrapede or an arachnid race as examples. 

    Lets go way out side the box, and have something really cool.


    So an alien intelligent spider race depositied here during a collision, but they have a massive intollerance to cold environments.

    In the vein of a lizard, and quadrapede Salamander that must keep moist to stay alive, cannot be melee clases just casters due to their inability to use weapons. Or they must use their Bite and tails as melee?

    A praying mantis race, that can only use hand to hand (inate skill) but gains a damage bonus as they level (way cool monk race).

    I would love to see something other than another humonoid bipedal human/elf variant, as thats what every race already is.

    This post was edited by Exmortis at August 22, 2022 8:25 AM PDT
    • 2109 posts
    August 22, 2022 8:53 PM PDT

    Exmortis said:

    I would love to see something other than another humonoid bipedal human/elf variant, as thats what every race already is.

    The high time/energy cost of coding different body types, and coding all gear to be worn on those different body types, is why they're all "humanoid bipedal variants" already. (And why my Skar Dire Lord lost his cool, double-jointed legs from way back when.)

    But I'd be down learning to walk as a four-legged :) So maybe in an expansion, if the game does well.

    Keep all your fingers and toes (on ALL your arms and legs) crossed!

    • 947 posts
    August 28, 2022 6:38 PM PDT

    To piggy-back on Jothany's accurate explanation of why playable characters are typically humanoid, I think races, spells (or even classes) in future expansions being able to shapeshift/polymorph into quadrapeds would be easy to add.

    Every time this topic is bumped to the top, I will continue to advocate for a dragonborn/half-dragon race.