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Community Debate - What is the best memory you have

    • 9115 posts
    December 10, 2020 3:38 AM PST

    Community Debate - What is the best memory you have of a GM interaction in an MMORPG? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    • 1315 posts
    December 10, 2020 5:45 AM PST

    Um . . . the MUD I played used to have GM run monthly trivia contests that I won once and got a multicolor coupon.  Let me rename an item and add color to the text, though it still identified as the base item if you used the skill or the spell.

    Otherwise I don’t think I have ever interacted with an actual GM in a real title.

    • 3852 posts
    December 10, 2020 7:48 AM PST

    This may be rather mundane - but almost all of my interactions with GM inside the actual game (not responses to tickets about problems) have been when they participate in world or zone chat. I would expect that in the initial months this will be fairly common as VR monitors what is going on and tries to be visible to the community. Later on less so, but I hope it never completely goes away.

    • 220 posts
    December 10, 2020 3:42 PM PST

    Had a GM run a one-time quest that was never offered again, where a unique item was awarded. The quest was delivered in ooc roleplay fashion. At the time, there was an absolute frenzy across the server as everyone tried to figure it out before the time ran out to do so. 

    This post was edited by Nekentros at December 11, 2020 3:54 AM PST
    • 768 posts
    December 11, 2020 3:33 AM PST

    I've tried to join GM events as much as I'm able to. 

    The best memory would be the roleplay conversation I had with those GM's. The unique rewards are a big plus of course. But what I remember most is how I "was tricked" into experiencing that this gameworld I'm playing in, is actually alive. The GM would run a temporary event where several (not a lot) players were drawn to. To participate or just as spectator. It brought people together and created a buzz. After a while, you were familiarized with the players who joined the GM events. And that created a connection/friendships between players.

    A direct opposite was experienced when those GM's got swarmed because they repeated a specific GM event with major progression rewards. At that point you were just standing in line. You could just notice the abuse of the event there by players. Where it was no longer about polite roleplay but rather about grinding out with as many characters as possible. I felt sorry for that GM since they were just a slave working at a factory there. The entire player atmosphere was different. It was mayhem and chaos where a policemen without arms was trying to regulate traffic.

    This post was edited by Barin999 at December 11, 2020 3:35 AM PST
    • 2419 posts
    December 11, 2020 4:04 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - What is the best memory you have of a GM interaction in an MMORPG? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    When the GM would forget to turn on their invulnerability command and we'd kill them.

    • 1289 posts
    December 12, 2020 9:56 AM PST

    I have plenty of memories of GM events that were all a blast.  But my favorite memory is a little different.

    At level 15 or so in EQ I was trying to cross a new zone.  It was very late at night so there weren't a lot of people logged in, and it was also night time in the game so it was dark.  I knew it was slightly safter to follow the road but I thought, "I'll just cut this corner and take a shortcut."  I was running through what looked kinda like a stonehenge and all of a sudden I was dead.  I respawned and headed back to where I died.  Right in the center of a ring of level 35 Ogres.  There was 0 chance of me getting my corpse, and no one else was around to help.  So naturally I asked a GM for help.  He was kind, but I could tell he found my situation entertaining.  He told me he couldn't just summon my corpse for me, but he could teach me how to /drag my own corpse.  He said if I just ran straight for my corpse and spammed the /drag button I'd be able to move it slightly before dying again.  So, as he watched, I did what he suggested.  My corpse moved a couple meters before I died again.  Much to my surprise when I got back to that area again he was still there, probably laughing in real life, but chatting kindly with me in-game.  I did it again, ran toward my corpse spamming the button and moved it another couple meters before dying.  Rince and repeat several more times and my corpse was finally out of agro range of the ogres.  He stayed and kept me company through the entire process and when I finally got my stuff back he cheered.  

    I've often wondered why that has always felt like a GOOD memory to me.  Why should it?  I died many times, lost tons of experience, lost a couple hours of gameplay time, and didn't reach my goal for the night.  So what was so great about it?  I've never quite nailed it down but I think it has some to do with the fact that it was a dangerous world.  It was a risk I took and I paid the price when it failed (taking the short cut).  There was no simple way out of the problem I had gotten myself into, I had to work for the solution.  Was it frustrating at the time?  Yeah, of course.  But it was also a moment that shaped the way I felt about the world.  So, like I said, I haven't quite nailed it down but I feel like those are some of the reasons.

    Interestingly enough the GM in my story isn't even the main point, but I still remember how kind and patient he was, he's also part of the reason why that is a good memory.  If he had just said "Sorry dude, you're screwed" and left I probably would have a different feeling about that night.  

    • 690 posts
    December 12, 2020 12:42 PM PST

    When I was very young and playing everquest I saw a GM with an awesome fiery sword helping a guy (I think get his corpse). It really inspired me between how awesome he looked and how an actual person was helping the players.

    • 12 posts
    December 12, 2020 11:11 PM PST

    Was on a 72 man raid one night on eq1 when right in front of the entire raid party A GM suddenly showed up...he called me to the front & we were chatting for a moment & everyone was asking me wtf is going like i have no clue...then he hands me my wizard epic weapon right in front of whole raid...everyone was like how da hell?...turns out they botched an update & made finishing that particular epic weapon impossible for some players to get so they just handed it out to those they kinda screwed over....i was da man for a whole 5 mins...but ill never forget

    • 55 posts
    December 18, 2020 6:08 PM PST
    In EQ1, a GM came to Qeynos and handed out gifts all night to people who could find him. He hid on rooftops and behind buildings. When the crowds started getting too big he finally called it quits. I got a crazy OP short sword that day that lasted me well into my 40s. It was a sad day when I stopped using that thing.
    • 454 posts
    December 20, 2020 10:13 PM PST

    I've never had an interaction with a GM in over 20 years of gaming.

    • 146 posts
    December 26, 2020 12:14 AM PST
    Lol a gm pld me in qeynos hills for about an hour. It was my first time playing eq at a friend's house so I started a human wizard. Got to the hills there was a guy just standing next to a tree. I was struggling to stay alive and he starts asking me questions and afterwards starts to pl me. He says don't say anything im a gm. Didnt say anything about it for a very long time but it got me hooked right then and there.
    • 1404 posts
    December 26, 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Two I remeber from early EQ, one more clearly than the other. Right before the origanal launch of Kunark a GM "Firiona Vie" appeared on the Dock's in Butcherblock (or so I'm told... I hadn't seen her yet) She Walked from the Dock's following the path to Greater Faydark telling of her Journey to this new land and the creatures they had found there (reading this part from a script I'm sure), while also interacting and answering questions all on the way. I was in Greater Fay and joind in just after the BB/Gfay zone line where I followed with her (and 50+ other peole) hearing the story about thsi new world and how they had started a settlement named after her and they were going to need us all to venture down there too help. Boats were being built to aid in our journey.  Kind of fague where she went from here, if I recall she said her good byes and zoned into Felwith, but never reapeared on the other side of the zone line. I don't recall her passing out anything, she may have and I just got too late to the pary, I didn't get anything.

    Another was the launch of I think it was Luclin, An NPC named "Al'Kabor" appeard at the spire in North Karana and cast spell that "activated" the spires and created a huge ball at the tips spanning all the way from each of the 4 points, This was apperantly him opening the Portal to the new world.  This one was a lot less interaction with the players. He begain /shouting his message and then his incantation accrost the zone, I first heard his shouting, then others started saying "at the spires" and ran to see what was up. I found him beneath the spires, then the giant glowing ball happened then he was gone, and the ball fadded away. (This one I actually had a screen shot of, but I searched hard today and can't find it. Not suprising as it's been 20 years, probably lost on one of the several hard drive crashes along the way.) 



    • 438 posts
    December 26, 2020 6:52 PM PST
    Believe it was in The Overthere; EQ1, normal PUG at a camp then out of nowhere GMs showed up as three Dark Elves. A Cleric, Warrior, and Wizard. Definitely overpowered. They started to just murk everybody they saw. The whole zone assembled to defeat them. Was a lot of fun. Such a surprise. I am sure people who were guilded mentioned it and outsiders of the zone showed up but regardless a find memory.
    • 334 posts
    January 1, 2021 7:32 PM PST

    I had a few GM interactions and joined in some GM events in EQ1... can't quite recall any right now, lol, been a while
    but 1 funny thing that just poped into my mind, was where a GM showed up suddenly in a zone and started to turn players into all kinds of creatures, some never seen before (and I'd been nearly everywhere at that point)
    So I spend a few hours being a big white dragon. Reactions of players zoning into the zone were nice too. (to bad I still identified as a player so surprises were short lived)