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Got Dev Stream Questions for Tourke?

    • 99 posts
    October 25, 2020 7:50 AM PDT
    Not sure if this would fall under environmental art or not but I am curious to know if all of the starting cities are complete and if we will possibly see another making of a city style video. Similar to Kratuk I enjoyed Kit hi or forest the feeling of fear and terror was real and would love to see some of that in Pantheon. Can you share how VR is going to create that on edge feeling?
    • 7 posts
    October 25, 2020 8:02 AM PDT

    Are the current character models placeholders or almost finished to what they will look like at release?

    • 76 posts
    October 25, 2020 8:04 AM PDT

    1) How has Pre Project Fearthale and Post Project Faethale impact the development of this game? 

    2) What is your favorite part of being involved in the Development of Pantheon Rise of The Fallen?

    3) What is your least favorite part of being involved in the Development of Pantheon Rise of The Fallen?

    4) How often do you get to work with JN "Istuulamae" Gerhart when creating the world of Pantheon?

    5) Do you have a weekly quota or schedule of completion? Or is it kind of like a broad time line of what needs to be worked on and completed 1st then 2nd then 3rd and so on?


    • 483 posts
    October 25, 2020 9:06 AM PDT

    Question about the art style direction, In the early stages of the game Thronefast city had a “Camelot” vibe to it, it looked like a castle from a high fantasy setting or fantasy middle ages with intricate design, pointy towers lots of bridges, terrain elevation and similar intricate details, but in 2018 I think, the design was completely changed to a rather basic city, just a huge wall and a flat surface for the location of the city with a moat around it, will we see this improved upon and get a more intricate main city for the humans or will it stay in its current version. I find this rather odd, because the lastest areas showed seem to have really complex layouts and really detailed and intricate designs, I always found it was strange to make such a big U turn in the humans main city, just look at faerthale or tower of the reckless magician or amberfaet to see great zones, and Thronefast that was already awesome got changed into a boring flat city with a big wall.

    Thronefast concept art – “

    Current Thronefast -

    Thronefast from early 2016






    Also, there’s this concept art picture from 2015 Pantheon website (maybe earlier) and it’s the most beautiful costal city layout I’ve ever seen, will this eventually get made or is it just a pipe dream now. It’s also in the sound cloud accompanied by some beautiful music by our own Chris Joppa Perkins “ “ “  “

    The art in question from Port of Ru’lun if im not mistaken – “

    Also a more technical question, the art asset for the players models seen to be very high quality in pictures and a video in Youtube I think, that displayer the new models for most races, but when we see gameplay the models and armour seem to have a plastic look to them, can you elaborate why this happens, or is it just a matter of loss of quality because of the streaming and recording.

    • 24 posts
    October 25, 2020 12:38 PM PDT

         Will there be cinematics that can showcase the work that has been done in some if not all zones citys?

         As it could help the keepers as skills level up, see a short clip of a zone and some of the inhabitants. Higher level may see a odd tree that leads to , hmm i wonder?

         Just a thought thanks for all your time . Take care of each other and be safe.

    • 72 posts
    October 25, 2020 4:18 PM PDT
    1. What will the environment look and play like on the lowest possible graphic settings? 
    2. How will the environment help aid those with very poor real life navigation skills? or will there have to be users guiding those types of players through environments? 
    3. How dense is the wildlife in the environment? Will I see a boar every few feet? Will the boars be everywhere on the map or in very specific locations like regular animals are?
    4. Is every environment planned to be massive in scale? or is there some regions which are short in size? 
    5. Are all environments designed for X and Y axis navigation only? or is Z axis used as well? 
    6. Are all plants, trees, and etc in the enviroment interactable with the proper professions? Or are they just for the most part just decoration?

    This post was edited by znushu at October 25, 2020 4:20 PM PDT
    • 60 posts
    October 25, 2020 7:11 PM PDT

    jpedrote said:

    The art in question from Port of Ru’lun if im not mistaken – “

    That particular city is Highbrace or High Brace (depending where you look and who you talk to).  It is a great piece of art.  The status of it is unclear, except that the game has undergone significant changes since they last showed the actual modeling for the zone like 6 years ago.  Heck, the entire world atlas has changed since then.  

    This post was edited by First at October 25, 2020 7:27 PM PDT
    • 523 posts
    October 26, 2020 2:42 AM PDT

    Just one question/concept.  How long did it take to re-design and overhaul BRK, AVP, and Thronefast, looking for just a generalization on the timeframe for overhauling these old zones into what you desire for the new versions.  And specifically, looking for a rough estimate on how long it takes to overhaul and create just one of the zones on average.  And to go along with that, do you have a rough timeframe on when you think Wild's End, Tower of the Reckless Magician, and South Soal will be ready to be seen again in new updated take on the zones?

    • 394 posts
    October 26, 2020 8:32 AM PDT

    What zone has been your favorite or most challenging one to set dress and is there any new type of topology that you've worked on in Pantheon that you're excited for players to see.

    • 2111 posts
    October 26, 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Are there any hidden doors/passageways in the Tower of the Reckless Magician?

    • 76 posts
    October 27, 2020 4:15 PM PDT

    When you are designing the architecture for a fantasy race, do you draw heavily from real life iconic architecture or do you try to deep dive into the races perspective to try and think of how their buildings might look and function?

    Will the natural building materials of the region have a visual impact on the final look and feel of a town?

    • 521 posts
    October 29, 2020 7:25 AM PDT

    Will the art assets, IE (Weapons,amour,characters) be exportable to .STL or other 3d print file from in game or other method, for the purpose of 3d Printing our favorite weapons or statue of our characters or favorite enemies ect.