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    • 2094 posts
    October 17, 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    vjek said:
    In the scenario you mention, can you expand on the magnitude of features, graphic fidelity and content that wouldn't be included at launch?
    Are we talking one continent instead of three, for magnitude, or only 6 starting areas instead of 9, type of thing?  Cutting Progeny, or keeping it, free/stock models versus custom, and so on?

    Yes Ben, I agree. Let's have a long, detailed discussion about all the exciting possiblities of Pantheon that COULD get cut from the game if funding doesn't reach expectations. There's nothing that fills me with hopeful optimism like endless theorycrafting on the variety of 'worst case scenarios' that don't quite result in total failure. Boy howdy, count me in!


    • 4 posts
    October 17, 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    That is my fear as publisher will want just a niche game they will push to mainstream it and VR has no choice but to go with it.

    Sucks but all we can hope for is the game maintaining as much of the original vision as possible...but i am not holding my breath.


    • 287 posts
    October 17, 2020 1:23 PM PDT

    Because bringing on a publisher will undoubtedly affect the direction of the game and what it is intended to be I think I'll hold off any additional pledging for now, at least until we know who the publisher is and what arrangement they have with VR.  That sounds counterintuitive since ramping up pledges could stave off the need for a publisher deal in the first place.  But, based on that newsletter, I doubt pledges alone will get Pantheon across the finish line.  Significant outside funding will be required.

    I'd be happy to contribute labor to the project in any way I could (I'm a 30+ year software engineer currently building a Unity MMO on my own just for kicks) if it would help the team out in some small way.  I suspect the effort to bring a n00b on as a contributor in any capacity would cost more, resource-wise, than it's worth.  But... /shrug.  The offer is there.

    Given that, I'm super curious how they will solve conversion from greybox terrain to actual terrain without having to reconstruct the entire zone.  Terrain building in Unity is pretty simple with all the available assets so it seems strange that so much effort was put into creating all that angular terrain when it could have been semi-autogenerated to produce the same geography with a more realistic appearance for only slightly more effort.  Now they have to start over, wasting all the effort that went into building the angular terrain.  I understand wanting to get to prototype quickly but if the choice is between X+1 and 2X+1 I'd go for X+1 every time. /random thoughts

    • 5 posts
    October 17, 2020 2:39 PM PDT

    I'm sure they would not have been able to show a proof of concept without doing things the way they did, including their initial coding decisions. 


    Edit: Also, I don't think all publishers will want to control the creative direction of the game, nor would they push it to "become mainstream" necessarily, this is 2020 and I'm sure there are options open to them. They have proven that PRF has a cult following that will stick with them. I feel their goal is very achieveable. I do think they may need to add cosmetic only items to a cash shop, which I am fine with personally, so long as in game play time tokens cannot be traded, there are absolutely no exp boost items, or loot drop items, or bag items, or inventory expansion items, or acclimation items etc, in the shop. Zero tradeable cash shop items, including cosmetics. Only cosmetics in cash shop. No Krono / Apex / Book of Old Moon / Value Pack or whatever you want to call it. Just a subscription that gives zero boosts. That will have gone too far. Costmetics only if that's what it takes to support this game I am fine with that. After playing BDO for 4 years and Archeage for about 4 years, I will never play a game with those types of pay to win mechanics again. 

    This post was edited by QTpie at October 17, 2020 3:05 PM PDT
    • 76 posts
    October 17, 2020 2:42 PM PDT

    Using the available assets in Unity is what caused the 2 year Project Faerthale. They mention that the hardcoding and the assets from unity is what caused lots of issues with their newly created code and assets. Thats why you see so much greyboxing in these newer streams. So they can mold and create the game using their assets to allow for THEIR systems to work and function the way they want them to instead of having to deal with Unity assets that don't mesh well with theirs.

    • 1860 posts
    October 17, 2020 2:58 PM PDT

    BenD said:

    Still too many variables, philo, to give a date like that. What I should have said is that we plan based on where we are in crowdfunding. Even if we did give a date, it would quickly be misunderstood as the context would get lost as it gets shared. Not necessarily by our community here, but the Internet in general tends to be unforgiving in losing context. I'm afraid we just can't talk dates about anything until they are set in stone.

    It's understandable why you don't want to give any dates. 

    I feel that is what the community needs though.  Make them softball dates that you will easily knock out of the park.  We need to see multiple accurate time estimate goals that are met after so many inaccurate time estimates over the years.  Feed yourself some winners so at least people in the community can say VR hit "X" goal in the given timeframe.

    This post was edited by philo at October 17, 2020 3:05 PM PDT
    • 523 posts
    October 17, 2020 4:37 PM PDT

    I don't see any option other than Amazon as the publisher.  You need to leverage whatever feels Smedley still has for Brad into some type of sales pitch to Bezos.  New World is not competition for Pantheon, and the LOTRO MMO they are making is going to be cross platform including phones, that's not going to be a direct competitor either.  Both of those are cash shop games.  Amazon has the money to simply buy VR outright, keep the team, and just let them finish the game in their vision.  I don't see another studio that can afford to take the hands off risk and that has at least some ties to McQuaid.  If Pantheon flops, I doubt Amazon will even feel it.  If it succeeds, it might be the first hit for their game studio.  Ben, straight up, is Amazon a possibility?  Even if remote.  Meaning, is there potentially interest from both sides that has already been communicated.  And I'm not talking about 8 years ago when Brad pitched the idea of Pantheon to John and he was "visibly excited".  Much more recent than that.

    • 5 posts
    October 17, 2020 5:27 PM PDT

    Smedley ruined EQ1, right? He also made H1Z1 pay to win, right? Pretty sure he is running New World into the ground according to the forums I read. Best to have Smedley stay with New World so it can be lackluster, or pay to win, or casual, or any combination of these. Then PRF can succeed when New World is a casual game. 

    This post was edited by QTpie at October 17, 2020 5:58 PM PDT
    • 287 posts
    October 17, 2020 6:14 PM PDT

    Naos said:

    Nanfoodle said:

    Fact is allot of games in development fail to launch even when they have all the funding they need. Pantheon seems to be on the right track by things we see, This link below scream how well the VR team is getting this right.

    But in the end if this project fails the VR team is not accountable for that. They are busting their butts to give us the game we asked for. Games fail to launch and some games launch. 

    So, who's accountable for the failure then? I can tell you pledge packages include copies of the game and game time. By purchasing any of the higher tier pledge packages, you are in essence entering a contract with VR that requires them to 'perform'. If there is no game, there are no copies of the game and no game time, and that is clearly a lack of performance. If the game does not release, VR would have to refund everyone whose pledge included copies of the game, physical items, etc. or they and their employees would be the obvious defendants in a breach of contract or deceptive business practices lawsuit.

    The scary part is the "level of performance" could be argued, allowing VR to release a 'steaming pile' and then claiming they have met the performance obligations of the pledge. Of course, that would be unethical, but it could still be used as an argument for completing the contractual obligations nonetheless. 

    This is silly. In no way is there any breach of contract legal theory here that would fly in court. They could not have made it any more clear that there is no binding contract, and this is nothing more than donation with a promise if the game launched. They have made it very clear that this is only a pledge and not any sort of formal investment.

    • 2419 posts
    October 17, 2020 6:49 PM PDT

    QTpie said:

    Smedley ruined EQ1, right? He also made H1Z1 pay to win, right? Pretty sure he is running New World into the ground according to the forums I read. Best to have Smedley stay with New World so it can be lackluster, or pay to win, or casual, or any combination of these. Then PRF can succeed when New World is a casual game. 

    Ruined EQ1? Really?  The best years of EQ1 were under Smedley, not Brad.  Because of the lack of initial long-term planning on Verant's part (which includes Brad), the game naturally spiraled out of control for player growth after 7 years.

    • 370 posts
    October 17, 2020 8:30 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    QTpie said:

    Smedley ruined EQ1, right? He also made H1Z1 pay to win, right? Pretty sure he is running New World into the ground according to the forums I read. Best to have Smedley stay with New World so it can be lackluster, or pay to win, or casual, or any combination of these. Then PRF can succeed when New World is a casual game. 

    Ruined EQ1? Really?  The best years of EQ1 were under Smedley, not Brad.  Because of the lack of initial long-term planning on Verant's part (which includes Brad), the game naturally spiraled out of control for player growth after 7 years.

    Agreed, although I would argue Brad was there for its very best years too (live), 99-02.

    After that I credit Smed directly, for keeping the franchise alive and active. For the better part of the next 12-13? years through sheer willpower and some fierce brand loyalty. His departure in 2015 signaled the end of the franchise as it was originally intended and built for. Smed did well to keep the original spirit of the games alive for most of his tenure. It wasnt until the last few years that they started to get real gimmicky, about the time of the F2P model and Krono's. They really wasted alot of development resources into landmark and eqn to not have anything to show for it. They had a really great tech demo with landmark. It just seemed like no-one on the team could figure out how to implement traditional MMO gameloops into this robust dynamic/destructable world simulation engine. 

    After landing with his golden parachute from the SOE sale, the franchise became something like perfect world games. Something meant to put it into maintenance mode and milked and monetized for all that its worth. 

    But I fully credit him for the franchises success up until about 5 years ago. From then until now though, the franchise is barely kept alive on life support, by what a few hundred? thousand? whales. 

    • 2 posts
    October 18, 2020 2:49 AM PDT

    It's really a pleasure to read that everything is still going on. I think Pantheon MMO is one of the most suffered MMORPG development that I was following. 

    People can have different opinions, but what matters are the facts. The publishes received so many critics, the game failed several times to get a decent crowdfunding, everyone considered Pantheon a vaporware and a game died even before coming out. Struggle after struggle, the published and the devs team kept fighting across all this, and despite all those difficulties, they are keep pushing to achieve the goal of delivering this MMO.

    Why most of your keep looking at the past and at the mistake, and doing critics to somebody that despite all the hate, he keep putting effort to realise one of the only MMO that would be unique, bringing back a true meaning of "MMO" - playing together, no go-solo rush endgame in one month and sit and wait for new content. The main concept of the game of focusing on GROUP play - even forcing it - it's a splendid way to create again this lost bound of all the MMOs around nowdays. Like the still-alive even if barely Ultima Online, in Pantheon you could really play, develop your character, and feeling to be a character in the society with your specialized role, growing together, making new virtual friends (that will lead probably to real-world friendship or meetings), and enjoying a great adventure with your group. This is what Pantheon aim to offer, an hardcore pve group focused mmo. There is nothing else like this. And that's why I pledged long time a go and keep following and hope that someday, the people will realize that this idea and concept is amazing and will be able to enjoy this MMO together. 

    Of course I am concerned about its future - how many "Indie" MMO we saw that looked so promising and all of sudden became a vaporware? (yes I mean Chronicles of Elyria - just look at the show they organized, the money the grabbed, to just say "hey, we realized we cannot do it, k tnx bye")? And talking about whales, go checking Ashes of Creation - this game is progressing sure, but it's just RIDICULOUS how they try to get money in every way possible, and we don't talk about small amounts, but hundreds of dollars every season for a game that is not even there. At pair (if not worst) than SotA.

    Pantheon is seeking support as well of course, but they are not doing it in a way of money milking at each occasion. The big question mark is, if and when Pantheon will be  released - will it survive, in this ocean of other MMOs coming out or in a more advanced development status? Especially, Amazon MMO New Worlds will risk to be the new Warcraft, distracting all seekers of a new MMO to establish and with the insurance it's not going to sink. Amazon with his infinite pool of money can give such insurance that the development and new content will be constantly delivered, and if the game will appear to most players, will certainly come out and stay there for a very very long time. 

    I really don't know how Pantheon could compete with this, and my biggest fear is that will suffer the destiny of disappearing and being abandoned. It's happening with a game I was following since many years (originally shards online, then renamed Legends of Aria) - the game was for me a dream, the true spiritual successor of Ultima Online in all terms, for a while I was able to feel the old glorious time when I was playing UO (played for 5 years, DAILY, from 4 to 24h/day), as rare collector / tamer / t-hunter. LoA offered me exactly the same experience. But the mistakes of devs, one after another, is leading the game to a dead end. The dev team  drastically reduced, despite a Niche playerbase the game is still alive, but it's going nowhere, even with the introduction of optional sub and the rest, most people left the game already, and the funds to keep it going on will be soon over. It missed the only 2 shots they had to try getting popular on steam - and steam playerbase is something very hard to convince. Actually every MMO appearing on steam it's because is they are the last attempt to keep them alive. But if you get on steam and your product is not "perfect" and you did a very convincing and strategic marketing campaign, the failure is assured.
    So I stopped playing LoA, I spent lot of money there as well, I own some true unique rares that are worthy 3000usd and more, but the game is destinated to perish. I still keep a spark of hope (that's why I didn't seel the items) - but anyway, this is an example of my worries that Pantheon could end up in the same way.

    I really hope the published and the dev got a solid strategy in mind to avoid this is going to happen, when the time will come. For now, thank you for the update and I wish you all the best, hoping to see this game will the the light, and find a way to shine and get a stable playerbase and with enough income to keep it alive.

    Best Regards,



    This post was edited by Kerkyon at October 18, 2020 2:50 AM PDT
    • 5 posts
    October 18, 2020 7:15 AM PDT

    I believe in PRF and whatever they choose to do I support.



    • 11 posts
    October 18, 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    If you're a current or potential fantheon reading this post and trying to decide whether or not to follow Pantheon's development more closely or upgrade/initiate a pledge, it is my adamant belief that you should.  The financial viability of getting to launch has already been discussed and clarified, but there is another element of the overall picture that probably isn't getting the attention it deserves:  Pantheon is being developed and funded by an extraordinary and passionate group of people. 

    In regard to the development team, they have looked defeat square in the face and refused to give up.  When Pantheon failed to reach its original kickstarter goal, they refused to simply let the game die.  Lead by their passion and hearts, they managed to forge their own path to funding, and have since nurtured the game into what it has become today.  Every step of the way, thus far, has been marred by sacrifice and struggle.  The team is small, and most, if not all, have to perform multiple functions within the organization.  These few have probably dedicated a generously large portion of their lives to see it through to this point.  These are humans, with families and other commitments that have no doubt had to take a back seat at one point or another because of their temporarily skewed work-life balance.  Some of the team have likely forgone competitive pay elsewhere, or perhaps even being paid altogether, just to see this through to launch.  They have endured the loss of a beloved member of their team, and yet instead of relenting even the slightest in vision or spirit, they used this experience to reinforce their commitment and fuel the fires of their passion.  There are no safer hands this game can be in than those it rests in now. 

    As for the community, we are equally passionate, resilient, and spirited.  Sometimes fear manifests itself through anger or despair.  It is important to remember that you cannot feel that way for something you care nothing about.  We have eagerly waited, albeit impatiently at times, for every small bean of information given about this game we so desperately want to see succeed.  We have numerous fan sites, discords, social media groups, and content creators dedicated solely to this game, which is amazing considering that it is still in its development infancy.  We have put our money where our mouths are, and it has been stated many times that crowdfunding has been the primary source of financial support for Pantheon's development.  Many of us have shared the burden of sacrifice by pledging more to this game than most other discretionary spending decisions we've made.  We did this not because it was solicited or asked of us, but because we have the same vision and goal as the staff, and we believe in the game and the people behind it. 

    I hope this resonates with you, as it is always exciting to have more people to share this unique experience and journey with.

    This post was edited by Lockless at October 18, 2020 12:24 PM PDT
    • 9115 posts
    October 18, 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Thread cleaned up, please remain on topic or your post will be removed and further action may be taken.

    • 2 posts
    October 19, 2020 5:34 AM PDT

    Lockless said:

    If you're a current or potential fantheon reading this post and trying to decide whether or not to follow Pantheon's development more closely or upgrade/initiate a pledge, it is my adamant belief that you should.  The financial viability of getting to launch has already been discussed and clarified, but there is another element of the overall picture that probably isn't getting the attention it deserves:  Pantheon is being developed and funded by an extraordinary and passionate group of people. 

    In regard to the development team, they have looked defeat square in the face and refused to give up.  When Pantheon failed to reach its original kickstarter goal, they refused to simply let the game die.  Lead by their passion and hearts, they managed to forge their own path to funding, and have since nurtured the game into what it has become today.  Every step of the way, thus far, has been marred by sacrifice and struggle.  The team is small, and most, if not all, have to perform multiple functions within the organization.  These few have probably dedicated a generously large portion of their lives to see it through to this point.  These are humans, with families and other commitments that have no doubt had to take a back seat at one point or another because of their temporarily skewed work-life balance.  Some of the team have likely forgone competitive pay elsewhere, or perhaps even being paid altogether, just to see this through to launch.  They have endured the loss of a beloved member of their team, and yet instead of relenting even the slightest in vision or spirit, they used this experience to reinforce their commitment and fuel the fires of their passion.  There are no safer hands this game can be in than those it rests in now. 

    As for the community, we are equally passionate, resilient, and spirited.  Sometimes fear manifests itself through anger or despair.  It is important to remember that you cannot feel that way for something you care nothing about.  We have eagerly waited, albeit impatiently at times, for every small bean of information given about this game we so desperately want to see succeed.  We have numerous fan sites, discords, social media groups, and content creators dedicated solely to this game, which is amazing considering that it is still in its development infancy.  We have put our money where our mouths are, and it has been stated many times that crowdfunding has been the primary source of financial support for Pantheon's development.  Many of us have shared the burden of sacrifice by pledging more to this game than most other discretionary spending decisions we've made.  We did this not because it was solicited or asked of us, but because we have the same vision and goal as the staff, and we believe in the game and the people behind it. 

    I hope this resonates with you, as it is always exciting to have more people to share this unique experience and journey with.


    An excellent post, spreading hope and restoring the faith ;) 
    I always try to inform anyone I know follow the MMO scene to give attention to Pantheon. And as you said, the passion dedication, and this incredible strength to keep pushing despite all the struggles, it's admirables. Good things require time. I've no hurry at all and will try to spread the world and bring more followers that will share this vision as well and help the development in the way they can!


    Keep up the good job :>

    • 63 posts
    October 19, 2020 9:54 AM PDT

    I appreciate the candid update will remain optimistic.  I have considered upping my pledge and this letter might be the turning point. I choose not to see doom and gloom but instead I see progress, and that's all I really wanted to see.

    This post was edited by Mythic at October 19, 2020 10:00 AM PDT
    • 729 posts
    October 19, 2020 2:15 PM PDT

    To take the first steps into the unknown.
    To learn and live in discovery.
    It gets busy, the day to day grind of work and responsibility. Caring for others and keeping the castle sound.
    Ah 2020, you pile of dog sh**. But this year is getting a little better. We know that the team we root for is making a new fiction filled world of danger and delight. We have only to wait.
    I read the letter updating us on the state of things at VR and I am very happy. It takes wisdom to recognize and act to correct a misstep. It has always been a good feeling when someone comes to me admitting a mistake. It shows trust. They get a pep talk and assurance from me that it's important to keep going, that mistakes happen and to learn and grow. They always do better and feel better after. A weight is lifted and they seem to accelerate during the next task.

    I liked that letter.

    Alpha by March is my guess. Anyone want to wager?


    • 70 posts
    October 19, 2020 5:26 PM PDT

    To whom it may concern... From my understanding (however limited, and most likely misunderstood) Vr has a rough plan for what release could look like (eta) would you be willing as it stands today (or when this is read by chris or ben) what would it look like if NO other funding was forthcoming, and i know this next one may be challenging but are you willing to look for a investor that would be more along the lines of cash shops and things like that (I dont know much about this so please forgive my ignorance) personally i dont  care either way. im just looking for insight of how far you are willing to go to release this ASAP.

    • 76 posts
    October 19, 2020 6:19 PM PDT

    @Rhelic They've stated in the past that there will be no cash shops. They've also stated in multiple streams and Dev interviews that who ever they choose as a publisher or investor it has to be the right fit and they have to allow them to keep their vision. They are very adament about those things. The interview with Ben Dean that Nathan Napalm did a few days ago actually talks about this in pretty good detail. As far as cutting off all funding from pledges I'm sure that would greatly diminish the speed at which they are able to develop this game. This is all stuff I've heard and watched from streams and videos that the developers have done. I think we're in great hands with this Dev Team.

    • 370 posts
    October 20, 2020 7:25 PM PDT

    What we should ask ourselves as a community is; What can we do as a community to help keep the dream alive. What can we do to help them secure interest any investment funding. What we can do is continue to show up, communicate, throw out ideas, provide feedback, spread the word, become the community we all talk about wanting in the game. Toxicity and negativity is never good in any situation in life let alone a project that is seeking funding so keep that out of here.

    This post was edited by arazons at October 20, 2020 7:26 PM PDT
    • 70 posts
    October 21, 2020 4:40 PM PDT

    @walkingwaste I understand they have stated that in the past, my question was are they still sticking by what they said or willing to sway a little (like cash shops for like costume stuff etc nothing that affects in game) with the info that was givin i wasnt sure and wanted to verify that the standards havnt changed or if they have to what. like i said i personally dont care either way was just wondering.  and i didnt mean cutting off pledge money i meant with the pledges and the current income level from whatever, if nothing changed as of right now what would release look like.

    just found the napalm/bean dean video. guess that answered that question! :) 

    This post was edited by Rhelic at October 21, 2020 5:13 PM PDT
    • 77 posts
    October 21, 2020 8:22 PM PDT

    A few of my questions and takeaways from the Producer's letter:


    THE BEGINNING  - Summary:

    2014-2018. A modest team implemented, primarily through hardcoding, enough content for the community to see via streams, screenshots, and newsletters.  4 Pre-Alpha phases were held, which shared the game with the community, crowd funding remained solid, and a couple more investments were made to the company.  


    • Were these 4 years not the ideal time to secure investors and partners to see the game funded at an appropriately level to trough development in a "reasonable timeframe?  What has prevented VR from securing the funding necessary from 2014-2018?   


    2018-2020.  A significant part of the work for project Faerthale was a course correction to migrate away from hard coding and over to to flexible, robust, and scaleable solutions.   The strategic importance of Project Faerthale was that if Pantheon were to ship sooner rather than later VR were going to need more parties interested, get more investment, and expand the team with more talent beyond those of their current roster. 


    • This answers my question to the first part of the newsletter but raises another set of questions.  Why did it take VR 4 years to come to the realization that Project Faerthale was needed to secure funding necessary to expand the staff and ship Pantheon in a "reasonable" time frame?   Or if VR new Faerthale was needed welll before the end of 2018, why not start on Project Faerthale earlier since much of the work from 2014-2018 was hardcoded and had to be redone anyway?  


    Current state.  VR state that PA5 allows the the team to work from a solid foundation of a well architecture game client, and more comprehensive, efficient pipelines due to the work done during Project Faerthale.  VR state that the experience of PA5 is needed to share with potential publishers and investors.  VR need more resources to get Pantheon done "sooner than their modest team can realistically do by themselves in a 'reasonable' timeframe.  


    VR are relying on PA5 to secure the funding necessary finish the game.  In VR's own words their modest staff cannot finish the game in realistic timeframe.  Or to put it differently their modest staff can finish the game, but in an unrealistic timeframe.  Regardless of verbal gymnastics thhe point is that VR are relying on PA5 to secure the funds that they have been unable to secure from 2014 till present. 

    I hope VR are successful, although if they have been unable to secure funding previously, I'm not convinced that PA5 is the solution.  Perhaps they need a better salesperson at the helm.  With a name like Brad McQuaid attached, and the work done from 2014-2018, I fail to see how a good salesperson could not secure the funding necessary for this project.  There are publishers, even ones with the bad reputations, that have proven willing to give a development team carte blanche creative control.  

    If VR can secure funding I hope the they can hire staff to fill out key areas where they are lacking.  I also hope communication will improve and their first order of buisness will be to publish a development timeline.  



    • 370 posts
    October 22, 2020 6:34 AM PDT

    Olympeus said:


    VR are relying on PA5 to secure the funding necessary finish the game.  In VR's own words their modest staff cannot finish the game in realistic timeframe.  Or to put it differently their modest staff can finish the game, but in an unrealistic timeframe.  Regardless of verbal gymnastics thhe point is that VR are relying on PA5 to secure the funds that they have been unable to secure from 2014 till present. 

    I hope VR are successful, although if they have been unable to secure funding previously, I'm not convinced that PA5 is the solution.  Perhaps they need a better salesperson at the helm.  With a name like Brad McQuaid attached, and the work done from 2014-2018, I fail to see how a good salesperson could not secure the funding necessary for this project.  There are publishers, even ones with the bad reputations, that have proven willing to give a development team carte blanche creative control.  

    If VR can secure funding I hope the they can hire staff to fill out key areas where they are lacking.  I also hope communication will improve and their first order of buisness will be to publish a development timeline.  

    I think the problem is that most publishers want gimmicky things added to the product. Something they can sell and milk for all its worth with minimal effort to the longevity of the product. Things like in game cash shops etc. They all see that as a cash cow. Getting someone to invest in what Pantheon is meant to be is a bit more difficult because in order to do it you have to find an investor that shares that same dream of having quality long term sustainable game play and not the get rich quick scheming that comes with gimmicky cash shop driven game play.

    This post was edited by arazons at October 22, 2020 6:35 AM PDT
    • 264 posts
    October 23, 2020 11:16 AM PDT

     I had a feeling the game's development was going this way, I consider it unfortunate. Still stuck in pre alphas, looking for a publisher, and way more money it's nice they decided to lay it out and shoot straight but personally this was not the kind of news I wanted to see. I've been on this ride before, and will consider what I pledged to be a loss. Best case scenario I am going to see this game release and have it be yet another fast food MMO due to needing a big publisher. That's just the reality when a big publisher gets involved. Thank you VR for shooting straight with us.