Forums » Pantheon Races

Barbarians !?

    • 2 posts
    August 31, 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Greetings , Are we going to be able to play some Big guys Barbarian eventually ?

    • 2094 posts
    August 31, 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    The biggest race available is Ogre, who are very barbaric. If you are referring more to the class of Barbarian rather than a race, the answer is somewhere between "not before well after launch" and " probably not". We already have 2 classes who are not yet guaranteed to be in until after launch but are strongly promised to be available eventually. Neither is a barbarian. Sorry.

    • 129 posts
    August 31, 2020 4:47 PM PDT

    You are probably referring to the Everquest Barbarian race.

    Adding a race in a rpg is a whole lot of work, it's not just creating 3D models et voilà !

    It is also writing to incorporate them into the Lore of the universe, their interaction with other races, their culture, their religion(s), etc..

    On a gameplay point of view, balancing their stats, creating their racial passive abilities, selecting the classes they'll be allowed to pick, etc...

    On a content point of view, making their character designs, armor designs, buildings designs, starting city and starting levelling zones, etc...


    In short, it's a lot of work, it might be too much work just to create... Bigger Humans. Because that's what Barbarians are. They're just bigger humans, in the end.


    Now the question is, is character creation going to have options for height and muscle body type ?

    I hope so.

    If the answer is yes, then you'll be able to create a human that feels like a Barbarian, and you can always role-play the character as a Barbarian.

    • 2 posts
    August 31, 2020 6:01 PM PDT

    Good answer ! but yes i was refering to the Barbarian Race. bigger human with different hairstyle and beard , lore like those we could play in Halas.


    thanks for those good explanation ! :) 

    • 11 posts
    October 2, 2020 7:10 PM PDT

    I'm glad there are more of us, :-)
    Brad told me that there would be Barbarians in one the first expansions of the game after launch, but with him no longer with the team, I'm not sure if they are still going to go with that part of his vision or not. 
    We're just going to have to wait and see.
    But it would sad if there were none. A large race for the good side is simply needed...

    • 2094 posts
    October 3, 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    The website update gives some hope for the addition of a race (or races) after release. Nothing definitive, but the fact that the updated 'Races' page offers


    As Terminus expands, discover
    new races!

    Certainly means you shouldn't give up hope!

    • 39 posts
    November 2, 2020 6:55 PM PST

    Artax said:

    Good answer ! but yes i was refering to the Barbarian Race. bigger human with different hairstyle and beard , lore like those we could play in Halas.


    thanks for those good explanation ! :) 


    To be honest, I dont think this NEEDs to be its own race. It would be pretty badass though if they made it a "subrace" of humans with slightly altered racial abilities.

    • 11 posts
    November 2, 2020 7:10 PM PST

    I can agree a subrace of humans, but not with different racial abilities. They should be much larger in stature and have a different culture. In EQ, Humans are actually a decendent of the Barbarians. 
    Now, Barbs can be a subrace of humans in Pantheon that were seperated and adapted to a harsher climent, causing them to grow to near Ogre size, but just having differnt racials would not be satisfiying in the least for me. And I honestly don't think that's what Brad had in mind when he told me that there would be Barbarians in Pantheon.


    This post was edited by Jizomeo at November 2, 2020 7:11 PM PST
    • 334 posts
    November 2, 2020 8:08 PM PST

    Jizomeo said: I can agree a subrace of humans, but not with different racial abilities. They should be much larger in stature and have a different culture.
    hmm.. "dark humans"...
    (EQ1 ref.) yes, just go to Paineel; enough coneheads there of large stature and different culture.
    ... (can I stretch my forehead on launch at character creation screen, prttypls? ... hey, SWG allowed me a big pot-belly)

    • 947 posts
    November 4, 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Archai are the "character model" equivalent of the EQ Barbarian if that is what you are asking (Athletic build, bigger than humans but not fat like Ogers...).  Skar are the combined equivalent of a Troll or Iksar (kind of scaly, tribal, visciously evil, similar size to archai, ugly etc.)

    This post was edited by Darch at November 4, 2020 10:55 AM PST
    • 11 posts
    November 4, 2020 11:49 AM PST
    I don't see the Archai as that honestly.
    I can see the Skar being a replacement for Iksar though.
    • 947 posts
    December 17, 2020 2:24 PM PST

    @Jizomeo - if you saw the character model comparisons side by side you would be able to see the Achai to Barbarian "model" comparison.  It is pretty identical to EQ... a taller, muscualr human with markings on their muscular bodies.  I'm not talking about lore at all (since the original post was only asking about "big guys").  The image was on the original race/class web page that has been taken down.

    This post was edited by Darch at December 17, 2020 2:25 PM PST
    • 10 posts
    February 18, 2021 11:53 PM PST

    Sorry, I need a barbarian race. Archai is not a substitute.

    I want the culture, northern snow covered country side and Viking Huts.


    Heart goes out to gnome players who got hairless alien in its place. :P



    Went back and read Archai race description, yeah i see the similarities now

    Still want my barbarians later. 



    This post was edited by Arlore at February 19, 2021 12:04 AM PST