Forums » Pantheon Classes

Can't decide what class to be

    • 2 posts
    May 4, 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    I guess I will just pick one out of the hat lol

    • 560 posts
    May 4, 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I figured I would play all of them in Beta giving me a better idea what I want to play. But I understand the problem.

    • 99 posts
    May 4, 2020 6:17 AM PDT

    More thought will go into this decision then when I choose a wife so I understand and I feel your pain

    This post was edited by SugarWood at May 4, 2020 6:18 AM PDT
    • 200 posts
    May 4, 2020 7:23 AM PDT

    Hopefully the decision becomes more clear awhen more info is released about each class.

    • 888 posts
    May 4, 2020 10:50 AM PDT
    A "random character" button in the character creator would be fun. It would randomly assign a class, race, and deity.
    • 2254 posts
    May 4, 2020 2:17 PM PDT

    We don't yet know how many slots an account will give, so as an altaholic I have plan A, plan B, plan C and plan D LoL.

    Plan A: I want to play one each of the 4 roles: Tank, Healer, DPS, CC.

    Plan B: I'd like to include Magic DPS, Melee DPS, and Ranger(I love Archers) in my DPS category.

    Plan C: I'd like to play one of every Race.

    Plan D: I'd like to play one of every class.


    (I really need to work on a strict sleeping schedule to make sure I get enough)

    • 51 posts
    May 5, 2020 5:25 AM PDT

    SugarWood said:

    More thought will go into this decision then when I choose a wife so I understand and I feel your pain


    LOL I can relate to this.

    • 1480 posts
    May 5, 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    The more it goes, the more I tend to incline toward Monk due to many factors.


    1) I like to DPS in melee and I also like to be able to sustain some damage in needed

    2) Despite enjoying tanking, I do not like to do it constantly and I prefer to have it as an offrole than anything.

    3) I like a character that has some autonomy, the combinaison of FD, mend wounds, taunt and defensive plus offensive cooldowns fits me much in that regard.

    4) I'm very fond of "Body as a weapon" style, wearing only monk Gi and using bare hands if possible (or discreet monk weapons).


    That or the direlord which seem like an offensive inclined tank, but for now the Monk please me more.

    • 72 posts
    May 8, 2020 4:29 PM PDT

    Just pick whichever one you like the lore of more, which as time goes on the more lore about the classes there is. 

    • 19 posts
    July 2, 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I too, feel this.  I have no idea what to play, many of the classes look apealing to me.  I hope my playtime during beta or alpha will help inform my "main" decision... or at least my FIRST "main" :)

    • 956 posts
    July 12, 2020 1:08 PM PDT

    I'm waiting for the Bard reveal still - makes it difficult to get excited about a game when all of the playable characters have not been revealed yet :(
    I need to either play a class that is highly desired in a group (which I'm hoping will be Bard), or box 2 characters because I likely won't have enough playtime to LFG for more than 30-45mins per session.  If Bard gameplay isn't that great I may end up trying to box a healer/tank duo (probably some combo of Shaman/Druid/Warrior/Paladin depending on their gameplay) or maybe a pet class if capable of some solo content (but that would be my last choice).

    • 46 posts
    September 1, 2020 1:54 PM PDT

    Im maining a DL ( well truely on the fence still on it )but tbh with you as it stands DL will be gimp tank imho