Forums » Pantheon Classes

Open For Porting <OFP> tag?

    • 8 posts
    January 16, 2020 8:11 PM PST

    I have been playing some classic EverQuest on Project1999 lately and had a thought about how to more easily identify if a druid or wizard was available for porting - an "Open For Porting" tag, or something similar, like how we have Looking For Group . There's no way something like that would be added to EQ, but maybe we could do something like that here? Sure beats doing /who all druid 29 50 or /who all wizard 29 50 and then bugging each one for a port via whisper. I know some druids who will use anon or roleplay just to avoid that. :)

    Thoughts? Counter-points? Stone throwings? :)

    • 580 posts
    January 17, 2020 5:56 AM PST

    I don't think you're going to solve anything with an OFP tag.   

    I don't know if you're playing on P99 but there the LFG tag isn't even working as intended because most people are too lazy to use it.   They simply drop into a zone and /ooc.  Groups are even doing "LFG check" in /ooc rather that look for flagged people in their zone.  Very few seem to have retained the art of using /who commands outside their current zone    

    You are still going to have people sending tells for ports, not using the flags or not searching correctly for flagged porters.


    • 8 posts
    January 17, 2020 7:36 AM PST

    Yeah, unfortunately you're probably right. It was just a thought. :)

    And yes, I'm on P99 Green server.

    • 580 posts
    January 17, 2020 8:58 AM PST

    The P99 guild "Dial A Port" has been good for reducing the number of random tells to porters.   At least on Blue, most people know you can "/who all dial" and find someone who is ready and eager to take you wherever you want to go.  I'm sure they or some equally enterprising group will follow that model in Pantheon.

    Sorry, I'm obviously blind as you said straight off you had been playing P99 recently.

    This post was edited by Celandor at January 17, 2020 8:59 AM PST
    • 1290 posts
    January 17, 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I haven't put a ton of thought into it yet, but I'm not sure I want any tools that lower the amount of social interaction required.  

    I personally think there's something good about asking people questions and forcing the conversation.  If we all have tags over our heads for "LFG" or "OFP" or the likes it just reduces the requirement to actually interact with each other.  

    • 560 posts
    January 18, 2020 7:19 PM PST

    I played a wizard as my main in EQ and I never had an issue with a random tell. I tried making money porting and felt it was a waste of my time so I stopped. If we had tags, I would likely have not used it with my main but I might have used it while playing my pally.

    I got to say the idea just dose not fit well with me. Not sure I can explain why just sounds corny? I not sure I agree with it being less social though. If anything would it not be a way to invite people to send you tells?

    • 1480 posts
    January 19, 2020 2:10 AM PST

    I think anyone can just be an adult and ask manually for such convenience :P. Don't be so shy.

    • 560 posts
    January 19, 2020 11:42 AM PST

    I am still not a huge fan of the idea but after thinking about it I might be more interested in being part zone chat if people were not spamming services every 30 seconds. What if people could set any tag they wanted? Over time people might have ones for crafting skills, teleports, buffs? I do find it interesting I am against it but I can not define why and I keep coming up with things to say about it.

    • 1290 posts
    January 19, 2020 12:17 PM PST

    What if there were different chat channels for stuff like that?  In EQ there was /ooc and /shout (I at least tried to keep /shout in character).  What if there was a "trade and services" channel so people could just turn that channel off when they aren't interested.  Not sure if I like the idea or not yet, but it is an idea.

    • 580 posts
    January 19, 2020 7:51 PM PST

    Ranarius said:

    What if there were different chat channels for stuff like that?  In EQ there was /ooc and /shout (I at least tried to keep /shout in character).  What if there was a "trade and services" channel so people could just turn that channel off when they aren't interested.  Not sure if I like the idea or not yet, but it is an idea.

    Isn't what you are proposing just the /auc channel that we had with vintage EQ?

    • 1404 posts
    January 20, 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I have often advocated for the "Auction House" to be implemented as a searchable Craigslist type newspaper where players could advertise not just items but also services they could offer (porting obviously one of those) and the times and locations they are available for these services. 

    Not what the OP is suggesting but a way to handle the same situation. I'm not one that's big on QOL features, actually I'm very Leary of them. But to put a graphic interface to a "who" command I don't feel would be too intrusive. Howard I would see this work..

    Pop open the newspaper.

    Click on the "Services" Tab

    Drop down box with "Service type"=Transportation  (maybe a Bard would be fun.)

    Then sort the list, byou whatever criteria start, end, travel type, etc...

    • 1281 posts
    September 6, 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    This is a pretty good idea, but you could apply it to almost anything someone is willing to do for payment. It's a slippery slope where you may never have enough tags.

    • 612 posts
    September 6, 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    "Service type'=Cuddles"
    "Filter'=Halfling, Female, Redhead, Lvl 18+"