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Introducing our all new bi-weekly video newsletters

    • 70 posts
    November 3, 2019 9:29 PM PST

    By gameplay, I mean the game engine being used in general, so yes just showing even a trivial walking tour of any part of a zone that is current work is good.

    • 1281 posts
    November 15, 2019 4:49 PM PST

    Any news on the second video? Or was the Cohh stream considered the 2nd one?

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at November 15, 2019 4:53 PM PST
    • 1860 posts
    November 15, 2019 6:17 PM PST

    bigdogchris said:

    Any news on the second video? Or was the Cohh stream considered the 2nd one?

    Cohhs video was a second video.  The next one should be coming out on the 21st I think? Its a Thursday thing.  Every other Thursday.  The first one was Oct 24 so the third one is Nov 21st.

    • 8 posts
    November 24, 2019 7:58 PM PST

    Any news on when the next newsletter or video will be out? 

    • 49 posts
    November 24, 2019 8:12 PM PST

    Dashiznik said:

    Any news on when the next newsletter or video will be out? 

    In less than two days.

    • 3237 posts
    November 24, 2019 8:18 PM PST

    11/26/2019 at 9:00 PM EST.

    • 1019 posts
    November 25, 2019 5:15 AM PST

    oneADseven said:

    11/26/2019 at 9:00 PM EST.


    That late?  Nice, wife should be in bed so I'll have some alone quite time to play with myself.  Ehh, enjoy this with myself...uhh...whatever...

    • 52 posts
    November 25, 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Well, all I can say is we will be supportive and when the game comes out we will gather and play the crap out of this game!

    • 2 posts
    November 27, 2019 10:32 AM PST
    Heard the newsletter was supposed to drop yesterday (Tuesday the 26th) but I can't find it anywhere. Has it been delayed? Thanks!
    • 430 posts
    November 27, 2019 12:07 PM PST

    It dropped just go to  twitch/visionaryrealms  to watch it . 

    • 319 posts
    December 20, 2019 9:05 AM PST

    Is there a list of the current video newsletters that have already been done. It seems i cannot find it anywhere.

    • 291 posts
    December 20, 2019 1:21 PM PST

    the twitch accounts have them listed also they are on youtube.

    • 109 posts
    December 22, 2019 8:08 PM PST

    Now with Project Faerthale being completed that means all systems are in place so they just need to drop graphics and npc's down.  It also sounds like the perception system has been worked out.  This all being said I hope we get some real meat on the bones news in the next video dev stream.  

    This post was edited by Frostyglitch at December 22, 2019 8:10 PM PST
    • 379 posts
    December 22, 2019 8:43 PM PST

    Frostyglitch said:

    Now with Project Faerthale being completed that means all systems are in place so they just need to drop graphics and npc's down.  It also sounds like the perception system has been worked out.  This all being said I hope we get some real meat on the bones news in the next video dev stream.  

    "Project Faerthale" isn't complete, or at least they haven't announced that it is.

    • 3 posts
    January 1, 2020 5:49 PM PST

    On this Page ... why is there no new updates ... ;. the info is old

    • 523 posts
    January 5, 2020 8:28 AM PST

    Suagnam said:

    On this Page ... why is there no new updates ... ;. the info is old


    It's a bad look for sure.  I've sent people to the website and they think the project is folding because the news updates stopped in October.  I know VR meant well, but these video updates are far inferior than the monthly newsletters.  They should do both, which is what I thought they said they were going to do, but clearly they are not.  Regardless, it's a bad look, and I'm sure it is costing them donations.

    • 2 posts
    January 5, 2020 12:45 PM PST
    Think that might be a little dramatic, but also agree with the sentiment. Would be nice to have both listed, however, at minimum, could easily just have a stub article linking to the videos each release. Given the lack of evident progress with a large percentage of the crowd funded MMOs recently, this would really help improve confidence in the project. That said, I'd offer a little more tolerance as well given the holidays and loosing Brad.
    • 379 posts
    January 5, 2020 8:34 PM PST

    We are only 1 video behind, considering Brad & holiday's - it's pretty close. I imagine they will get back on track once they start again.

    • 22 posts
    January 6, 2020 1:13 AM PST

    taggel said: Think that might be a little dramatic, but also agree with the sentiment. Would be nice to have both listed, however, at minimum, could easily just have a stub article linking to the videos each release. Given the lack of evident progress with a large percentage of the crowd funded MMOs recently, this would really help improve confidence in the project. That said, I'd offer a little more tolerance as well given the holidays and loosing Brad.


    I agree, was just going to say, they should just simply link to the bi weekly video's, maybe a brief summary of each weeks updates?

    • 287 posts
    January 6, 2020 10:42 AM PST

    It would help to at least have links to those videos on the news page to direct more traffic and get those video views up. Get that content into the general MMO community bloodstream and watch those donations flow in!

    • 13 posts
    January 9, 2020 1:01 AM PST

    Is the next Newsletter supposed to be this week?

    • 2094 posts
    January 9, 2020 12:36 PM PST

    TaskenDart said:

    Is the next Newsletter supposed to be this week?

    I'm not sure if we have as 'hard' of a schedule since the start of video newsletters, but before that started in Oct the onging schedule of the written newsletter had been the 3rd Wed. of the month since Jan 2018. Previously it had been the 2nd. Wed.

    • 3 posts
    January 9, 2020 6:03 PM PST

    Honestly tired of seeing you people cry about these newsletters and complaining that they haven't showed you the progress of each and every pixel they create. The amount of TIME and resources used putting these "Newsletters" and everything else of the sort could be spent elsewhere...  >:|

    As far as using them as "marketing" to increase funding and etc. Yes I would agree you need these to a certain degree. But the amount of information you guys currently and HAVE ALREADY HAD is way more than enough information for someone to decide if they want to support the game or not.


    I also would like to feel like I'm walking into a new world/game that I've never seen before when I enter for the first time... From the amount of videos and others things I've watched about Pantheon throughout the years it almost feels like i've already leveled my character up to level 15. :(


    EDIT: This was also posted before reading Asbos posts. Sorry, but I have felt the exact same way about this for some time now.

    This post was edited by Seno at January 9, 2020 6:49 PM PST
    • 470 posts
    January 9, 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    I'm not sure if we have as 'hard' of a schedule since the start of video newsletters, but before that started in Oct the onging schedule of the written newsletter had been the 3rd Wed. of the month since Jan 2018. Previously it had been the 2nd. Wed.

    The initial scheduling was to be every two weeks. But since we just had two holidays I'd say there's a good chance the schedule might be off a bit given vacatons and such.

    • 42 posts
    January 10, 2020 5:12 AM PST

    Well all this is very confusing and totally inadapted for the majority of us pledgers who don't come on these boards very often (for me it's about 1 visit/month or 1 visit/2 months).


    In the previous system, I was getting the newsletter in my mail box every month regardless whether I visited the forum or not. That way I was kept informed what every pledger expects and was happy both with the frequency (1/month) and the format (text+images). Having been pledger for 4 years by now and expecting the release in 2 or 3 years  if all goes well (what is not sure), a monthly information is more than enough for me. Every 2 months would work too and considering the very slow progress I see since 2 years, with 2 months there is a higher probability to learn something really new and/or interesting.

    In the actual system I am getting nothing anymore, have no idea where the newsletter is and most importantly don't intend to watch any long streams or videos to hunt for some information piece hidden inside. And I add that for us Europeans who are not native english speakers it is much easier and confortable to understand a written english text than a speech that often goes too fast and half of the words are swallowed anyway. But perhaps VR doesn't care for European pledgers .

    So basically I don't like this new system at all because getting information is harder, less confortable and messy.