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    • 316 posts
    October 22, 2019 2:21 PM PDT

    "It's all very unsettling"? VR is making a computer game for us, people. They're not coordinating our finances or managing our mothers' assisted living facility. Remember how this is all a fun thing more than a serious thing. We may have given VR some money, hopefully no one ruined themselves over it. 

    • 1430 posts
    October 22, 2019 6:35 PM PDT

    zippyzee said:

    Orthodontist, so less of a mouth cleaner and more of a smile builder. I do have a Masters degree in Computer Science and 2 patents in the industry--one in object recognition and one in computational photography, so it's not so much moonlighting but a separate career. I'm also a lifelong gamer and game programmer, but often on my own pet projects. And yes, solving problems in a logical and step-by-step manner is definitely similar in both orthodontics and programming. There's some engineering, some art, and some internal drive to make things work. As far as more sanitary--have you ever swabbed a keyboard for bacteria? Oh, so gross!

    It's good to have people on the team that have varied interests and life experiences, and more importantly share the same goals for Pantheon as you while knowing what it takes to be successful. That has always been a strong point of the Pantheon crew. Not everyone is going to be directly contributing to the production of the game itself. A game company has all kinds of additional production and marketing needs and that's where our team really shines. Things like the newsletter and the soon-to-be-seen video updates allow passionate people to do what they do best. Not only does that fill in some blanks communication-wise, it brings more people into the fold which is ultimately what is necessary for Pantheon to be succesful. I'm certainly glad we have David and Ben (among others) that can make that happen. I'm actually excited to see it, as we sometimes lose track of what cool stuff other sections of the team has wrapped up and moved into the actual game.



    The programming foundation has been and still is in good hands. Daniel was a fantastic programmer and friend and had the load squarely on his shoulders for many years. When I first came on the team he was pretty much the only other programmer, and I was there to contribute what I could. Now I would say we have an appropriately-sized (and talented) programming crew for the amount of work to be done. Keep in mind that development of a game is far, far more than programming. Art and content building is by far the largest bottleneck to getting a game done. Much of the programming load right now is making things easier to work with in the long-run and tightening up performance. Some of it is back-end stuff like automating build servers, some of it is getting things in place to make better tools for content designers, and some of it is core gameplay related, such as focusing on player and npc abilities and movement and character control. And of course fixing bugs as they pop up. We each have responsibilities that match our experience and our time available. I wouldn't read too far into anything--I personally have no worries as far as how programming is going and I'm just as anxious to see the game reach completion as you all. Always consider me as a small cog on a giant wheel, here to take on whatever I can to help. So don't put too much into the oddity that a tooth doc is part of the team :)

    As I've said many times, all of us can't wait to get everyone back into the game, including ourselves, and that's a huge motivation that drives production each and every day.

    that's pretty wild O.o a total of 16+ years of education in different fields?

    i do agree with the variety and different interests. massive multiplayer online means to have a wide arc of players which entail a diverse set of developers.

    to be clear, much respect jumping career to career XD

    • 38 posts
    October 22, 2019 6:54 PM PDT

    Appreciate the responses VR folks :) 

    • 523 posts
    October 22, 2019 9:16 PM PDT

    Eriugena said:

    Appreciate the responses VR folks :) 


    I'll second this.  Thank you Joppa and Zippy for taking the time to respond, you absolutely could have just ignored the concern or said "No Comment".  So, I appreciate the attempt at some transparency.  I'm still hoping for the best with this game like all veteran displaced MMO players, but I'm firmly in the "See it, to believe it" category.  Not just in terms of a solid game foundation, but also that you can make the game in a timely manner.  I have some faith in the first half of that, not much in the second half.  I hope you guys change my mind with the PF and subsequent development reveals.  Thanks again for adressing the state of the programming team (to some extent).  

    • 15 posts
    October 23, 2019 3:32 AM PDT

    zippyzee said:

    The programming foundation has been and still is in good hands. Daniel was a fantastic programmer and friend and had the load squarely on his shoulders for many years. When I first came on the team he was pretty much the only other programmer, and I was there to contribute what I could. Now I would say we have an appropriately-sized (and talented) programming crew for the amount of work to be done. Keep in mind that development of a game is far, far more than programming. Art and content building is by far the largest bottleneck to getting a game done. Much of the programming load right now is making things easier to work with in the long-run and tightening up performance. Some of it is back-end stuff like automating build servers, some of it is getting things in place to make better tools for content designers, and some of it is core gameplay related, such as focusing on player and npc abilities and movement and character control. And of course fixing bugs as they pop up. We each have responsibilities that match our experience and our time available. I wouldn't read too far into anything--I personally have no worries as far as how programming is going and I'm just as anxious to see the game reach completion as you all. Always consider me as a small cog on a giant wheel, here to take on whatever I can to help. So don't put too much into the oddity that a tooth doc is part of the team :)

    As I've said many times, all of us can't wait to get everyone back into the game, including ourselves, and that's a huge motivation that drives production each and every day.

    I, as many others, was a bit concerned hearing that 2 people left in such a short time frame. Your response though was very well put and I found it very reassuring. Thanks zippyzee!

    This post was edited by krzeszowski at October 23, 2019 3:34 AM PDT
    • 42 posts
    October 23, 2019 8:11 AM PDT

    Racial innates are exactly what we need.  Big news!

    • 947 posts
    October 23, 2019 6:24 PM PDT

    So good!  Exactly what I was hoping for.  What about these dispositions?  :)

    • 42 posts
    October 23, 2019 6:42 PM PDT

    Awesome!  Can't wait for the info to be posted so I can read it 5 times.

    • 72 posts
    October 23, 2019 6:46 PM PDT

    I have been with this community for almost 4 years(have knights pledge alpha) Thank you for the information, but to hear you are working on Project Farthale which is a "mini pantheon" is extremely discouraging. 4 years, and mini pantheon is not this is a tough follow. As much as I hate to say it, I am probably better off just to stop following until I get an inbox mssg.

    This post was edited by Grimvalor at October 23, 2019 6:49 PM PDT
    • 15 posts
    October 24, 2019 3:12 AM PDT

    Not sure if it was already mentioned, but is it possible to get a write up for someone not able to watch the videos, or am i just screwed?

    • 5 posts
    October 24, 2019 5:37 AM PDT

    hsiegfried44 said:

    Not sure if it was already mentioned, but is it possible to get a write up for someone not able to watch the videos, or am i just screwed?

    Yes they will be doing a writen news letter still. They said it might take a few days for them to get it out after ther video release but they are still doing the writen. On a side note if you want to check out the video that they released they have them on their Twitch (

    • 28 posts
    October 24, 2019 5:58 AM PDT

    I really enjoyed the video news letter, I like to put names to faces. The information on innate abilities for each race has made my choices even more difficult, I thought I was settled on what to choose first but not anymore. Well done.

    • 10 posts
    October 24, 2019 2:56 PM PDT

    Just saying if next update Joppa drops another “Bard” reference/sneak peek again I will upgrade my pledge! Great update! Thanks!

    This post was edited by Lincoln at October 24, 2019 2:59 PM PDT
    • 201 posts
    October 24, 2019 3:15 PM PDT

    Mathir said:


    I'll second this.  Thank you Joppa and Zippy for taking the time to respond, you absolutely could have just ignored the concern or said "No Comment".  So, I appreciate the attempt at some transparency.  I'm still hoping for the best with this game like all veteran displaced MMO players, but I'm firmly in the "See it, to believe it" category.  Not just in terms of a solid game foundation, but also that you can make the game in a timely manner.  I have some faith in the first half of that, not much in the second half.  I hope you guys change my mind with the PF and subsequent development reveals.  Thanks again for adressing the state of the programming team (to some extent).  

    Exactly +1

    • 189 posts
    October 25, 2019 6:45 AM PDT

    Grimvalor said:

    I have been with this community for almost 4 years(have knights pledge alpha) Thank you for the information, but to hear you are working on Project Farthale which is a "mini pantheon" is extremely discouraging. 4 years, and mini pantheon is not this is a tough follow. As much as I hate to say it, I am probably better off just to stop following until I get an inbox mssg.


    These types of comments right here, is what contributes to a community not evolving or growing. 1 simple comment like this stops people from looking into the game themselves.

    "Oh look, this guy right here says they've been doing the same thing for only a portion of this game for 4 years straight and haven't given us any new information"

    I almost fell for it myself. I stopped following for a bit, because I knew there would be lots of work and time involved. I stop by for Newsletters for additional information and that's about it. After looking at the stream VOD myself... there's a lot they add to this that we didn't know about before. There's a lot we SEE that we haven't seen yet.

    Let me just clear this up for anyone who's newer here and finds their way through this thread:

    Pantheon has been in development for the past 4-5 years. It's been almost 2 years since they've been in Pre-Alpha, and probably a year to a year and a half they've been working on Project Faerthale. These times could be slightly wrong, give or take a couple months, but the point is that they haven't been working on 1 small portion of the project for the past 4 years. Majority of their team have been focused on this 1 LARGE project for the past year, at the very least, and it will outline the depth and detail they would like to see and involve in the next zones they work on. That doesn't include the ever growing details and characterizations of individual races and classes they keep adding on to - which you see in the stream. As well as NPCs, mobs, buildings, lore, etc.

    Project Faerthale won't be some small accomplishment for Visionary Realms. There are several Newsletters and videos to be seen that describe and show just how big this project really is.



    So for anyone who's new here: read the newsletters, watch the stream VODs, ask people in our dedicated community discord, and gather more information. You won't be disappointed to see the progress the Visionary Realms team has made.

    • 2138 posts
    October 25, 2019 6:57 AM PDT

    I just watched it, I like the new format.

    It looks more professional. 

    Joppa is crisp and calmly intense and I like his 5 minute blurbs on whatever is being done. If its pre-recorded, thats fine.

    Roenick is the one I am drawn to. By that I mean I feel he represents me; a little goofy looking in a charming way, smiling, happy, asks all the awkward questions, makes the segways to the next topics and empathetically bridges the awkward gaps.

    Ben, is the necessary asshole. Don't get me wrong he's fine but he's the one making the hard statements that he will be held against by the community, like "mini pantheon" and "prohect faerthale coming in X weeks".

    If they get Aradune on, they would have to pre-record and edit it ....alot, lol. I am sure he would go on for a bit but it sould have to be trimmed down for the newsletter or directed to stay on the subject of the current newsletter.

    I could see Kilsin and community leaders taking a moment to read a few poignant forum posts or retorts :) 

    I would like to see someone dedicated to merch, hawking the latest wares as they come available maybe artois? 

    I would like to see 2 min blurbs from some devs maybe? 

    • 248 posts
    October 25, 2019 7:04 AM PDT

    Just watched it and it was great! :D

    Thank you for doing this, I am already looking forward to next time.


    • VR Staff
    • 167 posts
    October 25, 2019 1:42 PM PDT

    Manouk said:

    Roenick is the one I am drawn to. By that I mean I feel he represents me; a little goofy looking in a charming way, smiling, happy, asks all the awkward questions, makes the segways to the next topics and empathetically bridges the awkward gaps. 


    I mean... I was going for the handsome, debonair, rogue-ish one, but I'll take it!

    This post was edited by Roenick at October 25, 2019 1:43 PM PDT
    • 159 posts
    October 25, 2019 2:47 PM PDT

    I liked it. It help to re-energize all the hope I have in this game. Started calling up all my friends and pushing Pantheon Rise of the Fallen again. I'm so looking forward to playing this game. Absolutely like the facted that the VR team takes the time to read feedback they get be it negative or positive and anwser the people the best way they can without jeopardizing the integrity of the game.


    That in itself is a big deal. As darn near all developers in the MMO community ignore their fan base. So I give you all at VR a /salute and a /shout hell ya.

    I'm going to upgrade my pledge now. I strongly recommend this game. I personally would encourage you to support Pantheon rise of the fallen if you haven't already. VR took the time to not take it personal and anwser the call for better communication. Again my brothers and sisters. That is huge today among the MMO community that mostly ignore the people and focus only on profit and forget about the integrity of the game. 

    Thank you VR. ( seriously no sarcasm )

    In the words of that whippersnapper Bazgrim.  Trust in Pantheon!!!     Pledge to help support the game and to help speed up production. 

  • October 26, 2019 9:30 AM PDT

    Gud day all!

    Our livestream with CohhCarnage has been rescheduled:
    12:00 Noon PDT on Thursday, November 7th

    miss it! If yer auld like me, add it to yer calendar alerts NOW!

    • 15 posts
    November 2, 2019 2:50 PM PDT

    Has a date for the next live newsletter been set?  Or is it the livestream on the 7th?

    This post was edited by Chaserz at November 2, 2019 2:50 PM PDT
    • 15 posts
    November 2, 2019 2:54 PM PDT

    Brasse said:

    Gud day all!

    Our livestream with CohhCarnage has been rescheduled:
    12:00 Noon PDT on Thursday, November 7th

    miss it! If yer auld like me, add it to yer calendar alerts NOW!


    So 12:00 Noon PST now?

    • 346 posts
    November 2, 2019 4:46 PM PDT

    The livestream on the 7th is the Video Newsletter of sorts, just that it's with CohhCarnage on his stream. Yes, the time is Noon PST, 3PM EST and 8PM Zulu.

    • 70 posts
    November 3, 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    Janus said:

    The livestream on the 7th is the Video Newsletter of sorts, just that it's with CohhCarnage on his stream. Yes, the time is Noon PST, 3PM EST and 8PM Zulu.

    So is CohhCarnage's stream going to consist of talking heads or will there be any updated gameplay shown (AFAIK there are some 2019-but-undated screenshot images, but no recent video of gameplay)?

    There is clear progress in the stills I have seen, but we need to really see some of this in-game and animated to have it give the full impact it should have. There should at least be a current in-game teaser or two by now to keep existing followers excited as well as provide tease-fodder to draw in new ones. It doesn't matter how long or elaborate it is, just that it come from the game engine.

    Btw up until a year ago, the mention of CohhCarnage was synonymous with "Oh, we will get to see something in-game".

    This post was edited by redgiant at November 3, 2019 1:16 AM PDT
    • 2094 posts
    November 3, 2019 8:37 AM PST

    According to the newsletter, they will likely start with some talking heads. There will be "lots of new stuff". The main event will be a short visit to Faerthale to show it off. While you might technically call walking around Faerthale in-character 'gameplay', they have said that the stream will contain "no gameplay" so we won't see anyone actually fighting mobs.