The Stones of Panthea


    “The Five Watchers”
    Type: Iconic Monument of Terminus
    Location: The Plains of Triundia
    Creators: Unknown


    Within the realm called the Plains of Triundia rests one of the most revered monuments on Terminus: the Stones of Panthea. Mysteriously appearing at the end of the Martial Era, this landmark is composed of megalithic stones which sources of origins are thousands of leagues away. Each of the massive pillars is made from a single material and sculpted to represent one of five different races of Terminus. No one knows who carved the pillars, but it is widely believed to be a monument dedicated to the Vigilis Panthea; a secret society whose multi-racial knights played a pivotal role in bringing an end to the blood soaked Martial Era. Having stood against renegade pantheons and god-kings, the knights vanished with the end of the era. Some believe they still watch the actions of the pantheons and will return to Terminus in times of need.


    “Gods don’t create monuments to those that mitigate their influence.” – Arleigh Gillaen of the Royal House of Theology, replying to the question of whether she believed a pantheon was behind the creations of the Stones of Panthea.


  • Killian
    Killian Great stuff!

    I'm thinking there should be a secret society "special handshake" emote for early backers!
    March 24, 2014 - 3 like this
  • Ahwey
    Ahwey Shhh, guys and gals. I will let you in on a little secret. Blohit Ahwey carved the pillars despite the indication above that noone knows who did it.
    March 24, 2014 - 2 like this
  • Maquiame
    Maquiame Revenant Knights? Really? Heh alright, would have expected Vrils instead, but ok
    March 25, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • CanadinaXegony
    CanadinaXegony never noticed that til you mentioned it Pharone hehe
    March 26, 2014