Ancient Rivals Part II

  • Ancient Rivals: Taurokian Collisions

    By Illiyenia with art by Raphael.

    Hail Terminusians,

    Ths is Vhalen of the LORE4. We have the next chapter of the Ancient Rivals saga added to the Heroes of Temrinus wiki page. This changes the perspective of the tale from Ogre to Taurokian. Please go forth and read what happens when planar collosions relocates ancient rivals. 

    Till Yonder!



  • Multisync
    Multisync I was trying to figure out where I had heard this name before and finally remembered, even though it is spelled slightly different it was in the movie Heavy Metal, "Female Tarakian warrior from the groundbreaking 1981 cult hit "Heavy Metal". Taarna is...  more
    April 25, 2014 - 3 like this
  • Vhalen
    Vhalen Tarakians are engraved in my memories. I absolutely love the original Heavy Metal movie. They will never make another film as good even though I hear they are trying again. Much of that final story was born from the images of Mobius. Great stuff!!
    April 25, 2014 - 3 like this
  • Multisync
    Multisync I remember getting a bootleg copy of that movie back in 1990-91 and myself and a couple friends watched the tape about 15 times over a weekend, couldn't believe how good the artwork and music scores were let alone the dialog and voice actors they got for...  more
    April 25, 2014 - 2 like this